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  • Maecia Proba De Rome (c.270 - d.)
  • Anicius Probus Probus (c.420 - d.)
  • Anicius Olybrius (c.450 - d.)
  • Lucius Caesius Bassus (-30 - 23)
    Caesius Bassus (Caesivs Bassvs) (-32 BC - 23 AD) Caesius Bassus Caesivs Bassvs), was notar, veteran, roman soldier of VII Roman legion of the Imperial Roman army ( Legio VII Claudia Pia Fidelis (loyal ...
  • Lucius Arruntius (deceased)
    Lucius Arruntius (consul 22 BC) Lucius Arruntius (consul 22 BC) , wikipedia Lucius Arruntius was a Roman admiral. He saw action during the War with Sextus Pompeius , and the war of Mark Antony and Oc...

The Roman Emperor was the ruler of the Roman State during the imperial period (starting at about 27 BC). The Romans had no single term for the office: Latin titles such as imperator (from which English emperor ultimately derives), augustus, caesar and princeps were all associated with it. In practice, the emperor was supreme ruler of Rome and supreme commander of the Roman legions.


There are many very well-documented genealogies connecting the Roman emperors, but the connections to medieval Europe are largely speculative.


The goal of this project is to resolve duplicates, standardize naming conventions, and ensure the quality of the profiles pertaining to the Imperial families of ancient Rome.

How to Participate

If you would like to contribute to this page, please contact the Project Manager or one of the Project Collaborators.

Naming Conventions

In general, place all names in the First Name field.


List of Roman Emperors

Julio-Claudian Dynasty (27 B.C.-68 A.D.)

Year of the Four Emperors (69 A.D.)

Flavian Dynasty (69-96 A.D.)

Nerva-Antonine Dynasty (96-192 A.D.)

Year of the Five Emperors (193 A.D.)

Severan Dynasty (193-217 A.D.)

Interlude between Severan Dynasty (217-218)

Severan Dynasty, continued (218-235)

The Soldier Emperors

Gallic Empire (West)

Palmyrene Empire

The Soldier Emperors (continued)

Western Roman Empire

Eastern Roman Empire

Constantine Dynasty

Western Roman Empire (after death of Jovian)

Eastern Roman Empire (after death of Jovian)