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Quakers of New Jersey: "Shield" Passengers (1678)

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Scope of Project

To build a single, validated and documented for passengers of "The Shield," which sailed from Stockton, England to Burlington, New Jersey in Dec. 1677. Many of the passengers were Quakers (members of the Society of Friends).



The favorable accounts written home by the first settlers in West Jersey stimulated immigration and soon there was an accession to the population. The Shield, of Hull, Captain Towes, arrived November 10, 1678, the first English vessel that ascended as high up as Burlington, New Jersey. A fresh gale brought her up the river, and during the night she was blown in to shore where she made fast to a tree. It came on cold and the next morning the passengers walked ashore on the ice. As the Shield passed the place where Philadelphia stands, the passengers remarked what a fine place for a town .... The passengers by the Shield, and other ships that followed the same year, settled at Burlington, Salem, and other points on the river. A few found their way into Bucks county.... By the end of 1678 it is estimated that William Penn had been the means of sending some eight hundred settlers to this country, mostly Friends.

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Project Profiles

Based on the following list:


The Shield of Stockton, England, (probably sailed from Hull), Daniel Towers (or Towle or Towes), master, no loadings noted, arrived at Burlington, New Jersey, in Dec. 1677 with the following passengers identified.

NOTE: Persons in parentheses are doubtful, and may be listed later with a different ship.

  • Barnes, a merchant from Hull
  • Francis Barwick
  • (Peter Berry or Bury)
  • John Drewsbury or Dewsbury
  • Gawen Drummond and servant, Peter Berry or Bury.
  • William Emley or Emlen, 2nd trip, with wife and two children, one born at sea; and 4 servants, two men and two women.
  • Susannah Fairnsworth, children and 2 servants. (Thomas Farnsworth came on the Kent)
  • John Fretwell
  • Peter Fretwell
  • Richard Green
  • Godfrey Hancock, wife and children and servants
  • John Heyres
  • George Hill
  • John Lambert and servant
  • Thomas Lambert, wife, children and servants
  • Robert Murfin, wife, 2 children
  • Godfrey Newbold
  • John Newbold
  • George Parks
  • James Pharo, wife and children
  • Thomas Potts, wife, children
  • Thomas Revel, wife, children, servants
  • Robert Schooley, wife, children
  • Mahlon Stacy, wife, children, servants
  • Richard Tattersall, wife, children
  • John Wood of Attercliffe psh., Sheffield, Yorks., wife, children:
  • John, Joseph, Ester, Mary, Sarah
  • Thomas Wood, wife, children

Reference: Samuel H. Smith, History of the Colony of Novo-Caesaria or New Jersey (Burlington, 1765, reprinted 1890)

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