The purpose of this project is to explore the ancestry of the four core members of the Beatles (Ringo Starr--a.k.a. Richard Starkey), as well as their wives and close associates.

If you are interested in joining this project, please contact one of the project collaborators.

Discussions about Project.

Current priorities:

  • Extending the lineage of the core four members, hopefully connecting them to the big tree
  • Creating profiles for people in the Beatles universe not already represented on Geni. Candidates include:
    • John Sinclair
    • Neil Aspinall
    • Mal Evans
    • The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Feel free to suggest others!

Peace & love!

Useful resources

  • Beatles Ireland is a good jumping-off point for what is known about the Beatles' Irish lineage

Please see this discussion for more general genealogy resources.