I have set up a project is to record all the van den Berg/ van der Berg/van den Bergh Progenitors of South Africa - of which there were at least 7.
A list has been compiled and arranged largely according to the size of the families recorded in SAG volume 1, the idea being to establish how to distinguish them from one another on Geni. Is it necessary to do so, perhaps using SV1/SV2 etc?
This is open to discussion - ideas invited. Not all are on Geni - those who are will be linked.
Technically if you use the de Villiers/Pama system they should be a1, a2. We have gotten so used to SV/Prog, which work if there is only one, but if you number the decendents they should be a1b2... And a2b... Maybe we should call them SV/Prog1, but i think the decndents will be better number with an "a", else you would have SV/Prog 1b1c.... Instead of a1b1c...
I have been adding more people to the body of the project - http://www.geni.com/projects/van-den-r-Berg-South-African-Progenitors and loading the documents I have received from Johan Pottas.
I propose that the PROGS get numbered a1; a2; a3 etc. sorted primarily in descending order in accordance with the number of offspring and/or known descendants, and secondly in alphabetical order.