Family Podbielsi i Eastprussia

Started by Gisela Odéen on Monday, August 27, 2012
Showing all 2 posts
8/27/2012 at 3:34 AM

I am looking for information about family Podbielsi i Tilsit - Sovietsk Eastprussia - Kaliningrad Oblast during the 19th century. Dorothea Podbielski lived in Tilsit 1905 in Deutsche Strasse 31/32

8/4/2020 at 9:42 AM

Gisela Odéen
My husband's relatives Podbielski lived/live in Kaliningrad area.
Stanislav Podbielski and his wife. Father of Stanislav, Stanislav Podbielski and his father Jakob (~1839) were born in Zdręby, Poland.
Another part of this family live in Belarus.

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