adoption records

Начала Cheryl Lovell пятница, 28 сентября 2012
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28.9.2012 в 2:11 после полудня

Hi, Everyone!
I have a half-sister and an adopted brother, both whom I couldn't adore more if they were born biological from the same two parents with me!
However, we weren't; anyway, I will be seeing for the first time in over 30 years my adopted brother (YAY!!!), and there's a lot of mystery still surrounding his "adoption" that even HE doesn't know about...all any of us know is he was born June 4, 1968 in Anderson, Indiana; beyond that, we haven't a clue. Our biological father's name was Robert Louis Lovell and he passed in October of 2007 at 86; rumor had it prior, though, that he had a "roving eye for the ladies" which was part of the reason for his divorce from MY mother prior to his marrying my first of two step mothers. (By-the-way, I've seen photos of my "adopted" brother...he LOOKS a lot like my late father!!! A LOT!!!)

I'm seeing my brother 10/04-10/07/2012, and would love to have some kind of information for him, if anyone could help me.
My cellphone is 502-619-1887, and my email is!

Cheryl Graham

22.7.2020 в 12:13 после полудня

**UPDATE** My half-brother & sister and I have reunited after over 33 years! However, there are still some unanswered questions surrounding his "adoption" in the first place! And why, in the second place, genealogy services like,, etc., do NOT recognize my HALF brother as being a BLOOD relative, since we share a parent? I keep trying to add him to my family trees, and find him on my DNA matches (on other services), but I am shown "no match."

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