Daniel Wood

Started by Vanessa Wood on Friday, February 15, 2013
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2/15/2013 at 11:11 PM

Hi Everyone,

My Great-great-great-great Grandfather was DANIEL WOOD. Born about 1805, I assume in England. He arrived on board the Northampton, in Port Elizabeth on 30 April 1820. Died in Port Elizabeth in 1828. Apparently he had 2 sons, the first of whom I have NO information.

As the story goes, he was an orphan which has now caused me to hit a "geneological brick wall". There is so little information on him. I am very interested in finding out who his parents and siblings were but have absolutely no idea where to start.

Is there anyone who can assist me

Private User
2/15/2013 at 11:37 PM

We will have to see what can be done Vanessa. You don't have a great deal to go on. 1820settlers.com say he was on the ship's lists, but that he appears in "Thomas Stubbs' reminiscences" - they also have him down as a butcher - if he was born in 1805 that makes him a very young butcher.

http://albany1820.com/menu/1820%20Settlers%20-%20Full%20List.htm have him in the list which contradicts 1820settler.com

It might be an idea to explore http://www.eggsa.org/1820-settlers/index.php?option=com_content&amp... to see if there is something there.

I found this on ROOTSWEB

...he was a member of Clark's party of 1820 Settlers. He was a butcher
by trade and married Elizabeth ???? in South Africa. They
had at least one child, William Samuel WOOD, who was born in
Port Elizabeth in 1823 and died in Lesotho in 1880. posted in 2002 by
Robin Griffiths Tel(H):+27(0)31 5731729
38 Longwoods Drive Tel(W):+27(0)31 3625163
Glenhills Cell:082 7754200

but followed by
Hello Robin

I should be glad to know of the evidence which you have of Daniel
Wood being the father of William Samuel Wood. Anecdotal
evidence from the family suggests that W.s.'s father (name
unknown) arrived in S.A. in or about 1818.

with best wishes


William Jervois
Resident Genealogist
Albany Museum, Somerset Street, Grahamstown 6139, South Africa

Phone: 046 622 2312 Fax: (attn: W.Jervois) 046 622 2398
website: http://www.ru.ac.za/affiliates/am/geneal.html

"Sponsored by the 1820 Settlers' Association"

Durban North, 4051
South Africa

It would be worth contacting William Jervois - if there is anyone who can help he is your man!

Starting points!!

2/16/2013 at 12:08 AM

William Jervois was not able to help me, but this morning I started going through the information I have collected so far & saw something I hadnt taken note of before:

If Daniel was an orphan then he might have been at the REFUGE FOR THE DESTITUTE IN HOXTON, LONDON. The Refuge was run by ROBERT CROSBY......I am hoping there will be records somewhere of all the orphans......

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10/21/2021 at 5:50 AM

Hi Vanessa, I am also Daniels gx3 grandson,

I realize this is an eight year old post...

We seem to be on the same quest, finding out where Daniel Wood cam from and how he ended up a orphan. I too have found traces of Daniel staying at the Hoxton House of Refuge. This mist have been before they turned it into an all-girl refuge.

I have the names of both his sons.

Some say he died in 1828, drowned in the river. I'm guessing this must have been somewhere close to Uitenhage, since that is where Elizabeth lived her life.

Contact me if you want to exchange notes

Lars Rodseth

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