The Weils in Michigan

Started by Private User on Monday, June 17, 2013
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  • Private User
    Geni member
  • Private User
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Pg 31-37 (themselves a digest of a longer section from "Portraits of our Past: Jews of the German Countryside) depict the descendants of Joseph Weil and Fanny Kauder from Ckyne in Michigan (esp Ann Arbor) during the 1800s. This gives a detailed picture of emigrant life, collaboration between (five) brothers and how their diligence brought increased prosperity as the decades passed.

Jacob Weil in particular, trained as a rabbi in Prague, was offered a position as chair of the Language Dept at U Michigan (turned down because of commitments to the family business), served as alderman in Ann Arbor and was nominated to run for mayor.

... from Michigan Jewish History

The sister of my GGGF, Deborah Fantl, was married to Jacob Weil.

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