Sir James Hume - William and James Hume brothers?

Started by Debra Jeanne Ryon on Saturday, November 2, 2013
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11/2/2013 at 2:22 PM

Isn't William Hume "Immigrant" and Sir James Hume related and should be merged as his lineage is the same as related below. James is a generation older according to dates nut William's lineage includes Wedderburn

William Hoge left Musselboro in about 1682. He sailed to New York on the "Caledonia". This ship also carried the family of Sir James Hume, from Paiisley Scotland. His ancestorial home was Wedderburn Castle, Berwickshire. His father ws a Baron and knight that traced his lineage back to the first Stuart King, Robert Bruce (1274-1329). The family was also related to the parents of David Hume (1711-1776), the Scottish philosopher. Sir James was true to his religion, and suffered persecution and imprisonment by the Sturarts. He was released with the understanding he would immigrate. Pestilence broke out on the overcrowded ship and James and his wife died at sea, leaving a 12-year-old daugther, Barbara.

◦Hume was one of two brothers, men of wealth and standing, who differed on the great questions of the day. One of the brothers `conformed,' the other, James, was true to the Kirk and the Covenant. He was imprisoned and most of his property confiscated, but through the influence of his brother was released on condition of his emigrating to America.

During the long voyage a pestilence broke out in the overcrowded ship and Mr. and Mrs. Hume were among the victims.

11/2/2013 at 2:37 PM

Hi Debra

Can you link the William Hume you refer to?

If you open up the profile for Sir James you will see notes that his parents have not been found. The 1927 book you quoted from doesn't have sources to support the parents.

Do you have another source?

11/2/2013 at 5:25 PM

Do you mean this William Hoge William Hoge

11/3/2013 at 10:03 AM

Actually there are three profiles in question
William Hoge married a Hume and seems to be on the same ship as James Hume
"Immigrant George" Hume
George Hume may have been related to Margaret Hume who married William Hoge
And this profile of James Hume who had a daughter Margaret Hume who survived the plague on the ship. James, William and Margaret seem to of Wedderburn.

11/3/2013 at 10:06 AM

James Hume

I maybe way off base as James does not have a daughter Margaret listed but the ship info refers to her and with William Hoge on the same ship....

11/3/2013 at 10:20 AM

I am sorry I meant Barbara when I wrote Elizabeth I am bad..but I think Sir James Hume and Barbara Hume share the same ancestors as Immigrant George Hume. This is the lineage of two of my sisters-in-law which is really crazy having my husband related to my brother's wife
Small world

11/3/2013 at 10:35 AM

Not Elizabeth but Margaret sorry rough pain day

11/3/2013 at 10:40 AM

My sister in law is in the middle of packing but she is trying to give me information from her Hume family book from the top of her head. Hopefully she can give me the title soon so I can find it.

11/3/2013 at 11:31 AM

Hi Debra

I do know what you mean; it had been a while since I "visited with" this family.

To quote from one of the references in the William Hoge profile:

" the romantic history and marriage of William Hoge and Barbara Hume, so I will not repeat it. he was from Musselburg, and she from paisley, Scotland. His father was Sir James Hoge, her father was a Knight and a Baron, and nearly related to the Royal House of Stuart of Scotland, so this takes you back to King Robert the Second of Scotland, born about 1300. ..."

So I think I tried to find each of their places in the Scots trees. Not sure I succeeded :( but was able to "rule out" some.

More work on this tree is more than welcome.

11/3/2013 at 12:08 PM

This is confusing because he gives parents but then seems to take them back in his notes?

But if you look at the parents he speaks of on Geni there are two brother and one is NN. I will post the links in next post

11/3/2013 at 12:12 PM

? Hume if Sir James Hume is NN then that gives him the linage that has been spoken of and he would probably be found under Home. Maybe??

11/3/2013 at 12:29 PM

It looks like the father of James Hume, who died on the Caledonia, was supposed to have been

George Hume, 9th Baron Of Wedderburne (1614-1650), killed in the Battle of Dunbar, and his wife Katherine MORISON

So let's see if can find better records for this family. There are versions of The Scots Peerage on line; I don't trust the LDS records, they get dates & persons mixed up.

11/3/2013 at 12:33 PM

Well those dates for the 9th baron were wrong - he died in 1720.

11/3/2013 at 2:08 PM

Here is another book I found. So far my search of it is no help.

It looks like George 9th seems to have had 5 children with Catherine but NN seems to be born before his marriage to Catherine ( 2 boys three girls)

I thought George 9th died in the much for trying to figure out this line. How in the world did you do it?

11/3/2013 at 2:16 PM

I don't know that I have! :). I have no idea who that NN Hume is supposed to be.

There seems to have been a numbering issue on the George's also which doesn't help.

We have to look for earlier Hume's to try & place Sir James of the Caledonia, I think. And look in Paisley.

11/3/2013 at 7:42 PM

I think they had George marked as 9th and then found another older one so he went from 9 to 10. I think George 10 is the father of George Hume that taught George Washington to survey. So if we look at that way then the dates for Sir John make a better fit for NN but I will keep searching

11/3/2013 at 8:52 PM

If George 9 and Catherine Morrison were the parents of a David Hume and I think he is the key. He is listed as Barbara's uncle or great uncle by different sources and wrote this book on Humes. He is listed in Wikipedia. I am going through this book to see if it helps at all.

11/3/2013 at 9:15 PM

Have you seen this 2013 update?

William Hoge and Barbara Hume are listed in every volume of The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy. Volume I states she was the grand-niece of David Hume, eminent English historian and philosopher. The David Hume we know as a great philospher was born in 1711, some time after Barbara immigrated at the age of twelve in 1682. It would be much easier for her to be the grand-niece of his ancestor David Hume of Godscroft (1560-1630) who married Barbara Johnstone.

Wikipedia describes this David Hume of Godscroft thusly: "A major intellectual figure in Jacobean Scotland, his work, De Unione Insulae Britannicae was published in London in 1605. It is a study in how to effect the closer political union of Scotland and England. With surprising foresight, he suggests a super-national parliament with regional assemblies." He was also the author of The History of The House of Douglas and is frequently cited in the Scots Peerage and other genealogies. He was also the first Home to use the spelling Hume.

When Barbara found herself orphaned at 12 she was adopted by an uncle Johnstone already residing in New York or Perth Amboy. While I have always believed the key to Barbara's ancestry would be found in these Johnstones, I was a bit surprised to find, in 2013 (some 8 years after I first began looking and found nothing), that Barbara's uncle John Johnstone was rather well documented (mayor of New York City 1714-1718) and that it is more likely than not his mother was Isabel Maitland, granddaughter of Alexander, 1º Earl Home. So, after some 8 years I found a plausibe connection from Barbara Hume to the Homes, and the rest of the Scots Peerage.

Barbara Hume is 2nd cousin 4 times removed to David Hume of Godscroft through Isabel Maitland, and I think this connection to the Homes makes it more likely, rather than less, that her father Sir James Hume was descended from Godscroft's younger brother James Hume, Parson of Hilton, who's ancestry is still at the top of my most wanted.

11/3/2013 at 9:40 PM

That reads very plausibly. Can you link the source & we'll work on the tree?

11/5/2013 at 9:44 AM

It is from a site called:
Most Wanted: if legends are true
It is a post that I have yet to pinpoint to a person but the name must be on there somewhere

11/5/2013 at 11:42 AM

I think this page has the most info on it and gives a clear picture of what is documented and what is not you just have to stay with all the way to the bottom

5/1/2015 at 12:50 PM

There is a person who commented--with some perverse satisfaction--that DNA evidence does not support the claims that our Hoges are descended from the Haigs of Bermyshire. Any comments on that? One of our cousins insists that William Hoge was Dutch, but she claims to have no idea who his father was. I've researched the Hoges since I was a child--and I have always resided close to the Hoge/Howe land. I can say without fear of contradiction that this family was one of the finest and most influential in my area, no matter their origin.

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4/14/2020 at 10:17 AM

Lots of good theories here. I have found a 1670 birth record for Barbara Hume in Haddington, Scotland and it lists her parents as John Hume and Jonet Falconer. So I think the whole "Sir James Hume" legend is likely false. This same John Hume later married Isobell Johnstone, sister of the brothers John and James Johnstone who were later in Perth Amoby, NJ so I think this additional clue that helps show that I have found the birth record for the correct Barbara.

Also, to James comment about Hoge and Haig. I am the Family Tree DNA for both the Hogg and Haig surname projects and I can say with certainty that our William Hoge, nor any other Hogg family, matches with any Haig family, including the Haigs of Bemersyde. And I say this with no perverse satisfaction - just what the DNA science clearly tells me.

Would love to collaborate with all of you and share more information.

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