Kris why wouldn't it be eligible? That said, I do not see a Polish ancestor in the Geni tree? Richard Gustav Daniel Urbahn
Maybe a little more work on the tree to tie in his Polish roots a little better? Anyone can jump in & help out ...
I guess I was the one to delete Keith Urban from Geni Polska profiles - I know it's always controversial and subjective matter whether one deserves to be a Geni Polska project profile or not. But in this case, just like Erica Howton wrote, I couldn't see Polish roots of Keith Urban. According to Geni, his grandfather beared the name Urbahn, which shows more likely a German heritage. I think a certainty that one is of Polish descent would be crucial to the Geni Polska project...
From a great source - http://www.audio-music.info/htm/u/Urban_Keith.htm :):)
Background: Keith Lionel Urban was born in Whangarei, New Zealand, which makes him a New Zealander, but he is of Polish descent (name at birth Richard Keith Urbanski) and lived with his parents in Caboolture, Queensland, Australia.
"Urbanski" "sounds Polish" to me?
Another "fab" source: http://www.notablebiographies.com/newsmakers2/2006-Ra-Z/Urban-Keith...
Born Keith Lionel Urban, October 26, 1967, in Whangarei, North Island, New Zealand; son of Bob (a convenience store operator) and Marienne (a convenience store operator) Urban.
Polish Greatness (Blog), Polish Youngtown and Wikiepedia websites all state that Keith Urban has Polish roots.
Richard Gustov Daniel Urbahn
1874 - 1947
Birth: Oct 1 1874
Kamien, Poland
Marriage: Marriage to: <Private>
Woollahra, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 1947
Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Hi everyone, has anyone heard of a famous Polish Writer/Poet by the name of Waskowietz? (and its variations of spelling). My grandfather Alexey had told my aunts and uncles at one point that we had a famous writer by his family name either in Poland or Ukraine. I know of Lesya Ukrainka, and Ivan Franko. But know nothing of the Polish writers...Let me also say that my family lives in NW Ukraine in Volynia where the borders went back and forh often as you all know. When my baba was born it was under Polish rule..and my grandfather served i the Polish Army. So if anyone can help me in looking up that one family relative that would be great because i do not read or speak Polish.
new zealand wars hero Maj. Gustavus Ferdinand von Tempsky from Braniewo, do you count him as german or polish?
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the update. There are three profiles of Richard Gustav Daniel Urbahn on Myheritage with two different birth places. I look forward to hearing the outcome.
Best wishes,
Hi Kris
I have been able to work out this confusing secret, It would appear that 'Robert Urban' aka 'Robert Karl Urbahn' who is Keith Urbans' father was a fusion of two families with 'similar surnames' back in N.Z. one German history and one Polish. I can't say too much, but his DNA will be Polish - When his Brother Brian died in early April this year they unearthed a photo of another woman at the wake who was romantically involved with Karl Henry Urbahn (Robert's father) this alters the biological bit to add credence to my findings.
It appears to have been kept a secret well and truly, anyway as far as our family are concerned he has Polish genetics from the Urbanski lineage that originates specifically from the 'Noble House of Urbanski' that was formed in Haczow way back in 1602 and his Herb is also Neczuja with a bloodline that can be traced back to Count Felix Urbanski of Haczow Poland and further. I carry the DNA for this and according to my father Robert is my first cousin, FYI Robert is aware of this and does not wish to acknowledge this now that he is 72 years old.
Hi Kris
My final comment on this subject is a bit of history for all of you, as told by our family, we were originally Urban back then in Haczow in 1580s King Sigismund 'sired' with the Urban women there before his first wife and then incidentally later with her sister...fact! Our family were 'unofficial' Royalty because he did'nt marry however he appreciated us so in 1602 he officially made our Nobility titles with the 'Ski 'being added to the surname to indicate this and formed the "House of Urbanski".
So my father was born 1912, my grandfather 1882 and his father around the 1840s so it only takes a few steps to be into Nobility.
The point is that Robert and his sons are not only of Polish heritage but a form of Polish Royalty and Nobility even though the constitution of Poland abolished this in March 1921. The family owned up to 28 different villages and hamlets over a few hundred years and in AYATOLA website records they are listed as Landed Magnates. FYI Haczow is the largest wooden church and oldest in the world and now protected by UNESCO. Our names are in the Church and graveyard there.
Kind Regards
Hi Peter,
Thank you for clarifying and sharing the fascinating historical background of your family. You may want to know that Keith Urban's music is well known here in Sydney, and no doubt throughout Australia. He and Nicole (Kidman) are continually visible via some media or television program, they are truly a beautiful couple admired and much loved by the public.
Kind regards,
Here are some image search results for the keyword Haczów