I am a Whitney descendant. I noticed that there was a Whitney family on the Elizabeth and Ann, 1634, and wondered if they were my ancestors and more interestingly, the ancestors of Sarah Ann Smith one of Joseph Smith's wives and the daughter of Bishop Newell Whitney, an early Mormon leader, and wife and mother of seven children of another Mormon leader, Heber Kimball.
one of mine, too!
only thing, I can really criticize at all is that Elinor Whitney is still listed and linked as being a BRAY, although, that is no where proven.
And the dubious connections of Sir Thomas Whiney Gent... to parents, also not yet proven or widely or mildly, supported.
Mary Bray (in my line) married to Sir Thomas Whitney Gent... is, however, a proven BRAY Descendant.
Sarah Ann Whitney is your 9th cousin 6 times removed's 9th wife.
→ Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Gladys Mae Lockwood Tyler (Kelley)
her mother → Vivian Lucille Kelley/Payne/Smith (Cromer)
her mother → Floyd Francis Cromer
her father → Elizabeth Ann Cromer (Grosvenor)
his mother → Hiram Grosvenor
her father → Nathan Grosvenor
his father → Richard Grosvenor
his father → Leicester Grosvenor, Jr. PVT
his father → Rebecca Grosvenor (Waldo)
his mother → Susanna Waldo (Adams)
her mother → Capt. Samuel Adams
her father → Henry Adams, Sr
his father → Agnes Adams (Stone)
his mother → John Stone
her father → David Stone
his brother → Deacon Simon Stone
his son → Anna Jones (Stone)
his daughter → Lewis Jones
her son → Hannah DeWolf
his daughter → Deborah Huntley
her daughter → Hannah Mack
her daughter → Solomon Mack, Sr.
her son → Lucy Mack Smith
his daughter → Joseph Smith Jr., Prophet
her son → Sarah Ann Whitney
his wife
New path to Sarah Ann Whitney (and not through her husband, Mormon Prophet Joseph Whitney, Jr. >
Sarah and I, blood relation- 7th 4x removed.
I too am a decendant of John Whitney, my mother was Madeline Caroline Joan Whitney, my grandfather Sherman, great grandfather Jesse, great great granfather Joshua, great great great grandfatther Albert , I followed the lineage all the back to the great migration from England to Mass. I reside in Ont. Canada
Phyllis (Wheeler) Dean - I looked for our relationship but you don't have enough of a tree on Geni yet.
John Whitney II is my 9th ggf.
Phyllis (Wheeler) Dean - let me know if you need any assistance. Remember you should start at you and work up until you find profiles that exist already on the Geni World Family Tree and then just attach your branch there.
No need to duplicate what already exists in Geni. If you have additions such as corrections or sources or images to add, that's always good.