My connection to him 😊❤️
William Powell is your fourth cousin 12 times removed.
→ Benjamin H Watkins (changed to Glen Taylor)
your father → Unknown Watkins
his father → Margaret L Walker
his mother → Sarah A. Parker
her mother → Russel Parker
her father → Robert J Parker
his father → Patriot Marion's Raider under Dubose, William Parker / Cheraw to the Creek
his father → William Parker, Sr., Marion's Raider Patriot
his father → Simon Parker Sr, of Wolf Pit, NC
his father → Mary Cain / Vicks / Parker
his mother → Ann Williams, Yeopim
her mother → Rebecca Elizabeth (Powell, adopted Hornbuckle) Page
her mother → John Powell, Sr.
her adoptive father → Richard Powell, Westron Indian Community
his father → Richard Powell
his father → John Powell
his father → Jane Starkie Powell
his mother → John Barnabas Powell
her son → Thomas Powell, of Isle of Wight
his son → William Powell, I, of Isle of Wight
his son → Thomas Powell, of Isle of Wight
his son → William Powell
his son