Ulla Hansen
Jeg vil gøre opmærksom på, at alle har ret til at ytre sig så længe man gør det i en sober tone og uden personangreb.
I whant to point out that everybody has the right to argue and express their opinion as long as it is about the subject and not a personal attack.
Jeg mener ikke man skal stemme om noget som helst, da det er uredelighed.
My opinion is, Geneologist do not have to vote about anything, we want facts.
Det er ikke mit indtryk at der ikke er nogen i debaten her der syntes det er nogen ide at stemme om Genetik, det giver ikke mening.
It is not my impression in this debate that there was anybody suggestion a vote, it simply dosn't make sence to vote about geneologi.
There is no reason to vote for a birthplace on a Vikingship, the reason is it is just as correct to state that Gorms brithplace was york, London, Oslo or whater ever place you can come up with. As long as there is doubt about the birplace of Gorm, any undocumentet claim is just as good as anybody else.
But tjek out Gormfeltet located in the middle of the Northesea, so yes Gorm might be born on Vikinship in the midlle nowwhere between UK and Denmark, no reason to vote about that It might be correct :-), why would they call it Gormfeltet if it wasnt the truth he was born there.
We need the fact as long as the fact is not presented any guess have equal value and to my best of knowledge the value at the momment equals Zero.
Der er ingen grund til at stemme om fødestedet på et Vikingskib, grunden er det er ligeså korrekt som at sige York, London,Oslo eller hvad du nu kan komme på, man er i tvivl og så længe man er det er en hvilket som helst udokomneteret påstand lige god. Men tjek Lige Gormfeltet det ligger ude midt i Nordsøen, så min påstand med Vikingskibet er nok alligevel korrekt ,-) hvorfor skulle man ellers kalde det Gormfeltet.
Heres a link, to a Swedish online media where they today opened the shrine containing the oldest Crown of Sweden and the bones of Erik the Holly, his birthplace just as Gorms is not known.
Jeg vil lige lige et lidt spændende link, her er man også i tvivl om fødselsstedet, det drejer sig om Erik den Hellige: