Can I get some help?
- 1st wife died in England, then married
- "Anne, widow Bryant," fellow passenger of the Handmaid
- Abigail may have been a daughter, not a wife
- surviving widow was Lydia
- who is Orpha?
- who is Abigail Sparrow?
Additional reference
While we're at it - review the parents ...
From http://www.doanefamilyassociation.org/mrjohndone.ppt (2012)
•The possibility of a LINK between JOHN DONE and the COLONY’S FINANCIAL BACKERS is particularly interesting
•This FITS IN WELL with the results of EARLIER RESEARCH
(but we may never be 100% sure)
Hello Erica. From two sources this is what they say:
Torrey's New England Marriages - Doane, John (-1686, 1 Jan. 1685, 1685/6) (ae 88 in 1675) 1/wf Ann [Perkins?] (-4 Dec 1648 +) ; by 1632, by 1627? Plymouth?Eastham. 2/wf Lydia___ by 1 April 1659: Eastham. Torrey goes on to list sources which I have not explored as of yet. Anderson's The Great Migration says under marriages:
(1) By 4 Decmber 1648 Ann ___ (and by 1625 if she is mother of his children) (signed a deed dated 4 Decmber 1648, she died in 1659. (2) By April 1659 Lydia___ She was living 18 May 1678 when she was named in her husband's will, but was presumably deceased by 23 December 1681 when property he left to her in the was deeded by him to his daughter Abigail.
Children are: Lydia b. 1625, Abigail b. abt 1631, John b. abt 1635, Daniel B. abt. 1637 and Ephriam b. abt. 1642.
Hope this helps. Tim
Tagging Private User to take a look at this gal
Is there any evidence she (born Essex / Cornwall / Manchester / pick one) was a sister of our London merchant, lawyer & Puritan?
And Private User on the mythical? Parents
Sir John Done, Kt., of Utkinton & his wife with a suspicious name Lydia Doane
Throwing a note in:
"In Thomas J. Twining "Genealogy of the Twining Family", 1890, p. 23, it was suggested that the Anne Doane, who mar. in 1652, as his second wife, William Twining, was a "sister of John Doane"; it seems much more likely that she was a daughter, named after her mother Ann.
From supplement: Anne Doane b. ca. 1600; d. 27 Feb. 1680 Eastham; m. William Twining as his second wife and they had no children that we know about."
- Disconnected Orpha Smith as spouse
- sent inquiry to manager on Lydia Doane
I did see a note as a mother Abigail ____ somewhere. So maybe there's a source to be found.
Great Migration project is saying the marriage to Ann ____ is "by 1648" when she signed a deed (and possibly as early as 1625 IF she's mother of the children).
So we're down to 2 known wives, Ann & surviving widow Lydia.
Johan "Ann" Doane widow of Stephen Bryant died 1654. She is sometimes referred to as Abigail, was of Kent in England, and likely migrated with her 3 sons on the Handmaid of 1630 (http://www.geni.com/projects/Great-Migration-Passengers-of-the-Hand...)
From http://www.paintedhills.org/CATTARAUGUS/bryantfamily.htm
"Following a practice common in those days, John and Anne bound out two of the Bryant boys to good friends. Thomas Bryant was bound out to Samuel Eddy, and Stephen Bryant to John Shaw. Offering boys financial opportunities and connections independent of, and supplementary to those, which their own parents could offer them as they grew up. The third Bryant boy, John, being the youngest, stayed with his mother and stepfather."
And note:
"Governor Bradford added the name Doane to Stephen Bryant for the purpose of identifying him as the step-son of John Doane."
When was this? We have this record:
"On January 2, 1632, the following entry as found in the Plymouth court records:
"Thomas Bryant, the servant of Samuel Eddy, was brought before the Governor, Mr. Will Bradford, Mr. John Doane, Steve Hopkins and Will Gilson, assistants, because the said Thomas had run away and absented himself five days from his master's service and being lost in the woods and found by an Indian was forced to return; and for his offense was privately whipped before the Governor and council as fore-mentioned."
And that's the last known of Thomas.
So ... Ann & John Doane surely arrived in Plymouth as a married couple in 1630.
"This story begins in 1630 in Kent County, England, with a widow named Anne Bryant. Anne's husband had died, leaving her with three young boys ... Among the family friends and neighbors was a lawyer, John Doane, a widower with a son also named John ..."
Anderson has John Doane Jr as born 1635 so something is off.
The 1st known Doane daughter was Lydia, born about 1625. Ann "could" have been her mother - but how is that possible according to the story that they married around 1630?
2nd daughter Abigail was born about 1631.
And these 2 names explain:
Possible mother Lydia
Possible mother Abigail
If Doane was born about 1590 he surely had been married prior to 1630. Average age for 1st marriage of an English man was around 24 years old (about 22 for a woman).
Very nice article from the Doane Family Association describing his life in Plymouth. Anyone interested in "what it was like then" will gain insight, as I have:
John Doane in Plymouth, 1630-1644
J.W. Baker, 2012
If I interpret results from the ftDNA yDNA project correctly
Deacon John Doane is being identified as
John Doane b.1592 Alvechurch, Worcestershire, UK England I-M170
And / or ?
Ephriam Doane, 1642 - 1700 Unknown Origin I-L39
From http://www.doanefamilyassociation.org/VOLUME%20III%20REPORT-1.pdf
"Summary - John Done, "cordwainer," ... Could be claimed to have become Deacon John Doane"
More points from the inquiry into origins:
- it is, apparently, Bryant Family researchers who assert that Anne (possibly) Perkins, widow Bryant, married widower John Doane: evidence: that Gov Bradford appended Doane to Stephen Bryant's name to show his step father. Doane Family researchers have looked for the original of this in Bradford's writings and records and seem to come up, ambiguously, with "Deane.".
- John Doane spelled his name Done; it is later American descendants who adopted the Doane variation.
- Utkington in Cheshire ancestry seems ruled OUT in any recent horizon (1500-1600s)
I've uploaded a snippet from the 2013 report of the Doane Family Association here
The full report is here:
"This research eliminated from consideration individuals who had died, who were in the wrong place at the relevant time, or for other reasons could not be considered to be that person, and ended up with the name of a particular individual who, on the basis of records currently available, could not be ruled out.
"He was John Done, born in Alvechurch (pronounced Allchurch) in the English County of Worcestershire on May 28th 1592, and he is considered by the Committee, on the basis of current evidence, to be our man."
(there's a description of the litigation this "cordwainer" was involved with that points to familial relationships)
I believe now based on this that the Geni tree should:
- eliminate the improbable parents and the "connection" to the Utkington Cheshire Done family that tree represents, including the "Twining Sister"
- align with Torrey & Anderson in naming his known two wives "Ann unknown" & Lydia unknown"
What say you?
NB and someone please double check me but it is appearing to me that Ephraim Doane was NOT a son of Deacon John Doane, as his Y DNA test results are for group I-L39, and the Deacon's line has been identified as I-M170
"b. The main disputes surrounding the will of John Done ‘whitebaker’, arose out of the fact that his widow, Agnes Done, was, under the terms of that will, granted use of the property contained in the estate whilst she lived, whilst many of those who were named as ultimate beneficiaries died before she did.
"This led to claims against the estate, and against Agnes Done personally, by others such as John Done ‘cordwainer’ (son of Nicholas Done, first cousin of John Done ‘whitebaker’) and Elizabeth Done, infant daughter of John Done ‘sayler’ (nephew of John Done ‘whitebaker’)."
There we go. If this is the man, father was Nicholas Done.
Hatte Blejer (absent until Nov 1) I'm wondering if you'd also double check the logic stream.
It's not every day we might get to find a curator a new great grandfather. I'm excited about this Nicholas possibility but more worried that we get the wife right, as it affects a lot of Bryant descendants as well.
I must be tired as well. I'm having trouble following who is 'whitebaker', 'sayler' and 'cordwainer'. Perhaps this could be added to the Display name while we sort it out so it's easier to follow. Where is Agnes Done in the tree? and Nicholas? How do the currently listed parents of John and Lydia fit in? Sorry again... my brain is in low gear right now. Maybe link all the profiles.
Jeff - the Whitaker & Agnes Done etc are from the article, I don't think they exist as yet on Geni. The article is presenting a case through this property litigation to assert that
John Doane of Eastham is the same man as John " cordwainer" Done born 1592 in Alvechurch to Nicholas Done.
So getting the English relations in place is a "different" question from the ones at hand.
First steps I recommend:
1) examine the DNA project to understand whether Ephraim has been disproven as son of John Doane of Eastham
2) determine whether wife Ann was 1st married to Stephen Bryant
3) disconnect from wrong parents John & Lydia Doane
4) create your 11th great grandfather Nicholas Done of Alvechurch
Jeff-RE 6/22 @ 3:13 PM on First Steps #1; Ephraim is the son of John Done.
All three sons paper trail for 11 generations have been traced and we have 16 cousins sampled with the same ancestral signature at FTDNA. The DNA branch for all is I-M170. Within the last 2 years we have paid to refine the branch to the latest technology proving that all 3 sons and all 16 cousins are in the same blood line, namely I2b2-L39 in the M-170 branch. The rest of the 68 tests run in the UK are not of our line because th Richard T Doane, DNA Administrator at FamilyTreeDNA.
I started adding the additional profiles to the tree, which interestingly I was able to connect back into the WT through Hannah Mayo.
* whitebaker: John "Whitebaker" Done
* saylor: John "Saylor" Done
* cordwainer: Unknown Profile
This is based on the tree from http://www.doanefamilyassociation.org/WhitebakerTree2009.pdf
I haven't yet merged our Deacon John Done yet. If I disconnect him from these parents, what about his current siblings? Are they documented as his siblings or just associated as children of Sir John Done, Kt., of Utkinton & Lydia Doane.
I'm confused by the term "cordwainer" (Shoemaker) if the Deacon's occupation was a Tailor.
awesome Jeff - I had thought the way to do the English side was chart it out on Geni & then merge (if warranted).
Mr. Done seems to have had a number of roles in his very long life (anecdotally - he was very, very old his last few years).
There is no evidence he practiced cordwaining in the Plymouth Colony, but there's also no evidence he practiced tailoring - except he noted it in his will, so "he must have."
I have no idea where the supposed siblings belong. The evidence for Ann (Done) Twining seemed entirely speculative to me - can you get feedback from the curator? I haven't looked at the other one yet.
I've placed Anna Twining in a conflicting state. Private User, thoughts on this? She's been suggested as the brother of Deacon John Doane, but I'm not sure how strong that connection is. We've changed the parents of Deacon John Doane, so should we move Anna as well?