I find myself using this page quite a bit:
Not that narrow. Its a name the time have past on to the period. Renaissance was renieval. The time before was dark and stagnant. Not moving forward.
Not quit fair I think, but thats how it was seen.
THe medieval can be cut into peaces. Slices of a cake. There is viking age up north. High Middle ages at the end and so on, so maybee it needs to be divided into periods. Insteed of jut one long period.
I use this one for Saxo. The main Chronicle in Danish, but you might as well use the suggested page by Harald
The Gesta Danorum is on there as well!
Roskilde Cronicle is along side Saxo the two oldest sources in the danish still existing.
I think it is on the norwegian page as well!
Adam of Bremen is a god source for the German Christian view on the Danish.
OFcause the 3 Cronicles mentioned here all had some political agenda back in the day, so need to be read with caution! But all are god sources as you are aware ofcause that there are sagas ment to highlight certain people and political achievements!