Suugested sources

Started by Justin Durand on Thursday, August 13, 2015
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Please use this discussion to suggest additional onlne resources for medieval genealogy.

Anne and I have dozens of resources on our lists waiting to be added at time allows, but we welcome additional additional suggestions.

I find myself using this page quite a bit:

Got it.

Depends! Do you want it in English. I have a few I use in Danish and German also!

Fantastic Project. Much needed. Thankyou. I'll come back and add when I get a chance.

Annette, please add in other languages too! That would be so useful. Google translate works well enough once we have access to the sites - it's finding and judging what is a good site in another language that I find difficult. If you've done that for us, that is really a big help.

Since this is the medeival portal, should we add and the Icelandic repository that I can never remember the name of for their sagas?

Yes. I would.

The Medieval is from the fall of Rom. I think Justin and I agreed on that! So the different sagas is a good source.

A Wiki quote
"In European history, the Middle Ages, or Medieval period, lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery."

Well how narrow should we be?

Thanks for inviting me to this much needed project. I have added a few 'related projects'.

Not that narrow. Its a name the time have past on to the period. Renaissance was renieval. The time before was dark and stagnant. Not moving forward.
Not quit fair I think, but thats how it was seen.

THe medieval can be cut into peaces. Slices of a cake. There is viking age up north. High Middle ages at the end and so on, so maybee it needs to be divided into periods. Insteed of jut one long period.

Some of the databases address narrower time periods; some address narrower places. I think that we will end up dividing things differently as we add stuff in; that's normal. I'd like also to add in annotation, to help out the users.

And yes. We need the various languages.

Oh, [[36367! That source took me back. But very few of the Cambridge visitations are on line, alas. Most of the MSS are in the Cambridge University Library, though a few are scattered elsewhere.

That last was for Erica Isabel Howton, and the @ function didn't work. iPads. Yikes.

Here comes one that I use a lot in the danish.

Its a collection of letters and different documents that covers the medieval period! I'll find some more!
I use this one for Saxo. The main Chronicle in Danish, but you might as well use the suggested page by Harald

The Gesta Danorum is on there as well!

Roskilde Cronicle is along side Saxo the two oldest sources in the danish still existing.
I think it is on the norwegian page as well!

Adam of Bremen is a god source for the German Christian view on the Danish.

OFcause the 3 Cronicles mentioned here all had some political agenda back in the day, so need to be read with caution! But all are god sources as you are aware ofcause that there are sagas ment to highlight certain people and political achievements!

Everyone please now add sources directly to the project page. When the project first stated I was concerned that too many people would try to edit it at the same time. Now that we've had some time to organize, I don't see that there's any more risk of that than for any other project.

The Henry Project has moved:

(I updated the project page)

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