@Dr. theol. Martti Luther is your first cousin four times removed's wife's 9th great grandfather. Onhan se mielenkiintoista näin uskonpuhdistuksen merkkivuonna todeta, näinkin läheinen sukulaisuus - serkun vaimon esi-isä. Äidin serkku toki oli päätynyt samaan tutkimustulokseen perinteisin menetelmin jo 20 v. sitten.
Dr. Theol. Martin Luther has probably more than 5000 descendants in Finland alone. He is my 15th great grandfather. My third forename is Martin, which is my fathers second forename and my grandfathers first forename. His mother (Augusta Dahlberg nee Randelin) establishes the direct line to Martin Luther. I do not know whether or not the choice of the name Martin given to my grandfather was a conscious choice. However, that is possible since the heritage to Martin Luther was known and since two brothers of my grandfather who died during their childhood were baptized as Martin. My great grandfather Gustaf Dahlberg (Dr.theol., dean bishop of Turku cathedral) also translated several text by Martin Luther into Finnish.