"Stepanow": What town is this? (Dub / Doob family)

Started by Private User on Wednesday, March 8, 2017
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I am trying to identify a town of origin for some Czech Jews in the Dub / Doob family, which is listed in various records as "Stepanow" or "Stepanov".

The JewishGen ShtetlSeeker doesn't list any notable Jewish communities by that name, but the Gazetteer lists about 10 different Czech villages, all called "Štěpánov".

There appeared to be no separate listing for records for any "Štěpánov" in the archives hosted at Badatelna.eu

Other family members apparently lived near Pilgram (Pelhrimov) and near Kohl-Janowitz (UHLÍŘSKÉ JANOVICE) before immigrating to the United States.

Is anyone familiar with "Štěpánov", or can anyone speculate as to which of the 10 towns by that name this might be most likely to be? And with which larger town's records (if any) I might be able to find vital records for Štěpánov?

Thank you!

Wait...I think I may have answered my own question (with the help of IAGJS)!
There is a Jewish cemetery in the town of Trhový Štěpánov, near Benesov.
I just checked the Benesov records and found a Dub.

Still, any other thoughts are welcome, as I did not find the Dubs I expected to find!

Private User
Please give some information about the Dub you are looking for.
If you have a link from Badatelna it is also OK.
There is Abraham Dub
whose marriage record is from Trhový Štěpánov.

Thanks, Private User -- yes, I should have linked some of the profiles.

I am trying to connect the dots between several currently-unconnected Dub / Doob family clusters on Geni (as well others, almost certainly related, whom I could not add to Geni because the connections to the existing tree are not yet apparent).

It does appear that Trhový Štěpánov is the relevant "Stepanow"/"Stepanof". When I searched what I thought was the main listing of Jewish records in Badatelna [http://www.badatelna.eu/fond/1073/inventar/], this town name was absent from the list. However, the marriage register linked to Abraham Dub 's profile obviously exists! Have I been looking in the wrong place? The front cover of that marriage register suggests that Stepanow may be included with the Vlašim records...can you confirm? (On the map, Vlašim does look closer to Trhový Štěpánov than Benešov.)

Besides the Abraham Dub you mentioned, there is also Leopold Dub, b. 12/1847, son of Wolf and Anna (nee Fischer or Fischl) Dub. His marriage record indicates that he is from "Stepanow, Bohemia".

Leopold-ben-Wolf Dub from Stepanow appears to be related to the family of Bernard Dub, son of Jakob and Anna, from Kohl-Janowitz (Uhlířské Janovice). I make this tentative connection because it apprears that Leopold and Bernard lived in the same household in Georgia, USA in 1870. [https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MCSN-WHS] (If I have misidentified this Leopold Dub, then this could be spurious.)

In addition, there is the family of Moritz Doob, son of Abraham Dub and Anna (nee Fiala/Verhlicka?). His passport application, which I will upload momentarily, indicates that he is from "Stepanof, Czecho-Slovakia", as well.

Moritz Doob's daughter Anah Henrietta Kopetzky married into the Kopetzky family; Leopold Dub above also married 2 Kopetzky sisters in succession. (Possibly coincidence, possibly more family connections.)

(Incidentally, I've already found Wolf Dub and Anna Fischer on the first page of that marriage record, so thank you again for pointing it out!)

Dear LK,

Your next assignment is to create and populate a Jewish Town Project for Trhovy Stepanov. Check to verify that there is no present town project for that place, and create one for it.


Dan Berwin Brockman , that's a fine suggestion. Although this town is actually peripheral to my family, I'd have considered it. However, we non-paying members apparently "do not have permission to create projects". (Heaven forbid we should volunteer to make useful contributions!)

Incidentally, I did eventually track down the archive/"fond" that has records for Trhovy Stepanov (as well as for other towns of interest): http://www.badatelna.eu/fond/241/inventar/
I'm not quite sure how "Židovské kontrolní matriky" differ from the regular old "Židovské matriky" linked above, but it looks like there are more potentially-interesting records to investigate...

I have quite a lot of information, not all on Geni, relating to Dub family from that area. As you have found records from Stepanov are in quite a number of registers Vlasim, Trhovy Stepanov, Dolni Kralovice, Soitice etc.

I think I have Leopold Dub (Leopold Dub) born 21 Dec 1847 on my database, but under a slightly different name & birthdate: Löbl Dub born 29 Jun 1848 in Stepanov , House 5. Birth record in HBMa2354 Vlasim Birth (sorry I don't know the image number).

Alois Dub (Lazar Alois Dub) is a brother of Löbl, both children of Wolf Dub & Anna Fischer. However, I have not merged the profiles as there are several (mainly minor) date/place discrepancies, and for the same reason have not added other people from the Dub family .

If you want to discuss the family in more detail, we can do that in a separate discussion

It is not true that basic members can't create new projects. Go to https://www.geni.com/projects and click on "Start a New Project" near the top of the page. I have done it myself.

Private User -- I did exactly that, several times, and consistently got an error message in red stating "You do not have permission to create projects." I had assumed (in error, apparently) that it was because of my account type. Maybe it's just me, then!

Private User -- I'll send you a message.

Hi Private User, This is quite extraordinary. I have investigated the Dub family for a long time. My wife's father, grandfather and great-.grandfather was Dub. Today, during search of her family in Hungary, I found that my wife's great-grandfather settled down in Nagykanizsa. You can find Lipot Leopold Dub born in stepanow on Familysearch. Search for Hungary, in FS in film No 007952167, image 336. There you find Stepanow as birth place of Leopold. a couple of years ago I think I saw also the name of Janovce.
Peter <csango@gmail.com>

Hi Dr. Peter Andras Csango, MD ,

Thanks for your message!

Does Lipot Leopold Dub from Stepanow who settled in Nagykanizsa have a Geni profile yet? If you will create one, we can try to connect the families.

I wasn't able to find the film you mentioned immediately, but I'll look again later when I have more time.

It appears that I now have the ability to create projects, which I didn't before, so I will try to create one for the town of Trhový Štěpánov.


Hello, He (Leopold or Lipót from Stepanow is on Family Search. I found him yesterday. He was a tailor and setteled down in Nagykanizsa. The finding was a little surprise, but many years ago I saw Janovce as his birth place. Leopold does not have a Geni profile.
His son was Ferenc Ferdinand Dub, grandson Zsigmond Dub, great-granddaughter is my wife, Gerda Patricia Dub. I have data for all of these. It is somewhat mystical why Leopold , who was a tailor, started to wander from that area to Nagykanizsa from Trhhovy Stepanow. (it is written with w in FamilySearch.

Hi Peter,

I was able to find the film you mentioned (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS87-35R3?i=335&am...) using the film number. I see where it is written that Lipot was from Stepanow, Csehország. It looks like this is a birth record for a daughter Sal, but I am not sure if I am reading her Hungarian name correctly. Is it "Losza"?

I have also found Ferdinand's marriage record in Family Search films, and the births of some of his siblings.

I have created a family tree branch in Geni for Lipot/Leopold and his descendents. (See https://www.geni.com/people/Leopold-Lipót-Dub/6000000077822741984 )

If you will add a Geni profile for your wife (connected to your profile; it can be private) and for her father Zsigmond, then we can merge the two Zsigmonds and connect the branch to you.

As we learn how Lipot/Leopold Dub is related to other Trhovy Stepanov families, we can connect him to them, too.

I'm glad you mentioned this Hungarian connection!

There are other families who also wandered from Bohemia to Hungary. I don't know their reasons -- economic opportunity, or marriages with Hungarian families, or...? I will have to learn a bit more about the history there. In this case, it looks like Maria Weisz may have been from Nagykanizsa -- but how her family knew the Dub family, I don't know.


I signed up for my geni account in 2008 and found very little. I recently logged back in to help my daughter research her heritage and have found a wealth of information. Moritz was my great great grandfather - came to America as Dub and changed his name to Doob, presumably to preserve pronunciation.

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