Thanks, Private User -- yes, I should have linked some of the profiles.
I am trying to connect the dots between several currently-unconnected Dub / Doob family clusters on Geni (as well others, almost certainly related, whom I could not add to Geni because the connections to the existing tree are not yet apparent).
It does appear that Trhový Štěpánov is the relevant "Stepanow"/"Stepanof". When I searched what I thought was the main listing of Jewish records in Badatelna [], this town name was absent from the list. However, the marriage register linked to Abraham Dub 's profile obviously exists! Have I been looking in the wrong place? The front cover of that marriage register suggests that Stepanow may be included with the Vlašim records...can you confirm? (On the map, Vlašim does look closer to Trhový Štěpánov than Benešov.)
Besides the Abraham Dub you mentioned, there is also Leopold Dub, b. 12/1847, son of Wolf and Anna (nee Fischer or Fischl) Dub. His marriage record indicates that he is from "Stepanow, Bohemia".
Leopold-ben-Wolf Dub from Stepanow appears to be related to the family of Bernard Dub, son of Jakob and Anna, from Kohl-Janowitz (Uhlířské Janovice). I make this tentative connection because it apprears that Leopold and Bernard lived in the same household in Georgia, USA in 1870. [] (If I have misidentified this Leopold Dub, then this could be spurious.)
In addition, there is the family of Moritz Doob, son of Abraham Dub and Anna (nee Fiala/Verhlicka?). His passport application, which I will upload momentarily, indicates that he is from "Stepanof, Czecho-Slovakia", as well.
Moritz Doob's daughter Anah Henrietta Kopetzky married into the Kopetzky family; Leopold Dub above also married 2 Kopetzky sisters in succession. (Possibly coincidence, possibly more family connections.)