
Started by Gavin Haussmann on Tuesday, April 25, 2017
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4/25/2017 at 3:05 AM

Im looking for any info on Jews from Ratibor. I have 60 odd pics of grave stones and my family ancestors came from there. Haussmann, Schlesinger, tarlau, Zernik and Samoje
Thanks gav

Private User
1/9/2018 at 2:50 PM

Hi Gavin,

My tree connects to some of the HAUSSMANNs and SCHLESINGERs from Ratibor.

A daughter of Joseph HAUSSMANN and Julie SCHLESINGER, Valeska HAUSSMANN, married a 4x removed cousin of mine, Moritz SCHIFF. Her sister Phyllis HAUSSMANN married a 2nd great-granduncle of mine, Alexander SCHLESINGER.

I am particularly interested in Julie and Joseph's ancestors as well as any pictures of SCHLESINGER gravestones you might have. Also HEILBORN, if you happen to have any pictures with that name...

Looking forward to hearing from you.


2/23/2018 at 12:35 AM

HI Irene
Joseph and Julie are my Great great great grandparents. there son Gustave (Valeska and Phyllis ) younger brother. Gustave made it to New Zealand with his brother Otto who then went on to OZ. Gustav had 13 children and now there are a couple of hundred decendants of him.
I have some more info im happy to share with you. Please email me if you wish on gav@nzbriards.com.
Its really great to hear from you
take care Gav

2/23/2018 at 12:37 AM

Im also very interested in your lines as I have a load of schlesger and haussmanns in my line

Private User
3/16/2018 at 5:24 AM

Hi Gavin,

I'm sorry for responding only now - for some reason I never received a notification of your response and only now saw it by accident.

I will email you over the weekend. Again: Apologies for this tardy response!


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