Question and suggestions

Started by Ozren Čulić Viskota Žava on Monday, May 22, 2017
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Hello everyone,

I have a question about this project, this is a umbrella project about last resting places, cemeteries and graves for persons who were born, married and died in some other places / countries but with available information about them, but I'm not a sure is about for a Lost graves and cemeteries.

I've read the description of this project and also searched for existing projects on the Geni, with the word "Lost and Found in" and " Find a Grave".

I understand this project is only for a graves, cemeteries and with images about them around world available today, but I didn't find a main project about like this one where can I add one of this projects below.

Actually, I work on two related projects about soldiers and people who were buried in Split in Croatia during the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the period (1886-1922). You can look at this project for details here:


First cemetery in Split, St. Stephen's Cemetery, Split, Croatia

I have a book about first cemetery "Splitsko groblje Sustipan" (St. Stephen's Cemetery) only on croation language ( not on english) and not yet available in digital form and format (.pdf), when the book is scanned, it will be updated in the project.

Some of the people born in other countries / places were buried in this first cemetery in Split during the period (1861-1896) and (1896-1919), which no longer exists today because this cemetery after the Second World War was destroyed and converted into a memorial park - a cemetery today called Sustipan / Memorial Cemetery Sustipan. Today this graves are not exist.

For details, see the project descriptions, and your participation and your help in this projects are welcome.

I think this would be also helpful for all Geni users, if they can't find a person's, last place of burial in Split, Croatia and where was been a grave or the last resting place of that person's.

Through history, the last resting place of some individuals is unknown today, both in Croatia and in other countries in the World, also.

About what I wrote previous, a one of projects is about first cemetery in Split, what is not exist today, and isn't availble images of graves, but some informations from church records and books, and other sources are available. This cemetery today is a memorial park-cemetery without any tombs, only with main information banner - " Sustipan - Spomen groblje" ( Sustipan / Memorial Cemetery Sustipan) - you can search on internet with word Sustipan, if you are interesting and need more detail information about this or see in description of project.

Previous, I was searched a similar projects, where can I add one of this two projects and I found only this two main projects" Find and Lost in" and "Find a Grave", but isn't a similar projects like as this example one of kind "Lost and found Graves or Cemeteries who are not exist today", and I think this project about soldiers/persons who were buried in Split on Sv. Stjepan (St. Stephen Cemetery) not to be added in projects Find & Lost and / or in Find a Grave.

Some graves and cemeteries through history was be demolished, like a this one here in Split, Croatia after WW2.

I don't know, how is a case in other countries, but i think every country in World have a similiar case. If anybody know more a about that caseses, so can share and send me information about them, in advance thanks.

I think, one of this two projects need to be add in some another kind of project like a name "Lost and found Graves / Cemetery who are not exist today", but I don't a see and found a this kind of project is available on Geni. So, I asked this question and for any suggestions if someone a have. Or maybe link with this project?

If you are interesting to help and participate in this projects, you're welcome. Peoples from this church records was born from different places, countries and they aren't not only a from Split and other places in Croatia and last resting place was be a cemetary Sv. Stjepan / Sustipan (St. Stpehen).

Or in another option, You suggest that need a create one umbrella project about for unkown Lost and found cemetery, graves, what not exist today, and connect with related projects like a: Find a grave and Billion graves on Geni and with other similar's.

In advance thank you to all for answer and suggestions.


Split, Croatia

Actually this is a project on how to use the resources provided by the Find-A-Grave website (, which is an external resource not run by Geni.

It's one of multiple websites (the other global one is called BillionGraves) that attempts to index gravesites.

For projects that originate in Geni, I think it is better to start with the country portals.

Yes, I think this project has evolved to where it is NOT to be a place to 'attach' profiles, but rather a place to refer to external websites (particularly which is focused solely on documenting physical 'markers' (memorials) of burial locations.

I agree with Harald that efforts to organize efforts about documenting burial sites in a region should be created as sub-projects within a Country Portal. I think it would be up to the initial group of folks in that region to decide if they want to use FindAGrave or BillionGraves (a MyHeritage partner) to document the individual memorials/locations.

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, Dan Cornett Thanks for yours reply, in meantime I was created umbrella project about this Military members of Austro-Hungarian army - Military - Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Hungarian and Serbian Banat -, what is available in Military church records from FamilySearch, where is relative link a this two projects what I was wrote up before.

I understand you all what you are wrote, so if you read my previous message I ask about something what is a one kind of lost - about cemetery and graves, because some graves and cemetery not a exist today, how is it in case in Split. This cemetery in Split was demolished after WW2, graves are not exist today, but informations are available in and from Church records and book. All this projects are already relative linked with main Croatian portal on Geni.

So I don't know if other countries in World had a similar case with graves and cemetery, but I think they have also a same or similar cases and I don't have information about that, so if somebody have this informations it would be a great if can share or send.

I didn't find on Geni any kind of project or umbrella project which is relative similar with this theme - like a Lost graves and cemetery of persons who were been a member in Austro-Hungarian army like in this case or similar.

I know that is a exist a similar project about Austro-Hungarian military navy but is not a same what i looking for.

I also was wrote a this question in umbrella project of Lost and Found portal, but this project is a different then this what i looking for.

I think is a better, if We or somebody create a umbrella project for this theme like a Lost and found Graves / Cemetery (isn't available on Geni), and it would be a great if this one kind of project would be available on Geni.

Also if you are interesting for participation in projects, you are welcome. Some persons from this church records in this pojects was born from different countries, states and places, also, not a only from Croatia places.

Hope you understand me, what I looking for.



Creating the project you want seems like a reasonable option.

Harald Tveit Alvestrand Yes I think also. In discussion board I was opened a new discusion about this theme here:

Because a projects Find a Grave, Lost and Found in, Bilion Graves are not relative conection for now with this theme.

So first I think, when we get a any information if anybody knows or have a similar or same cases in their countries, and then we can open or create a umbrella project on international, and other separate projects and make a relative connections betwen country portals, existing projects, and etc.

In the past military conflicts, fallen Soldiers were unable to be returned to the US in a timely manner for burials. Many families were also given options to have the fallen Soldiers buried in the country they died in. Following many conflicts, the US has retrieved and returned the many of bodies back to the US. This has left some cemetaries as memorial sites.

The US is not the only country to have done this. It is just the one whose history on this I am most familiar with. More info can be found here.

I have a Findagrave warning that records are in error how do you deal with that???? It on infant death.

Alfred Rogers


Billie June Keaffaber A note at FaG written: (death cert lists mother as Rollyson which is considered a mistake copied from the above line), opinion: so should a same note also add in section About. Maybe his biological mother was previously married for family member of Rollyson family (?), but how I see at the tree and looks, only his father was married twice. Maybe you need to do it deeply research. It doesn’t have to mean it’s a case of error.

Note: At profile of his father is icon with exclamation mark, also need to resolve it.

Thanks for the help you right will have to dig I put note on his profile as stated. Thank you.


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