Gaspard is in No sources anywhere! Should we be adding him! I'd like to know where he came from in the first place! My mother's cousin had started and did our family on the Hebert and Broussard sides years ago and I hate to see it being messed up my unsourced people. It's on hundreds of family trees now! It's going to be hard to find with No records! Hopefully DNA can correct it if it's wrong! That picture of Gaspard is not Gaspard. It's Gaspard Coligny!
i agree. he is on my family tree, but sources list his mother as Eleonore de Roucy, and there is NO record of her having a son named Gaspard.
The only record of him that I can find is a reference in the peerage papers for him and lists his DOB as the 1800's. So, not the same person.
My Question though, is where did he come from and who is his daighter Helene od Comtee, whoo is also listed as his daughter and a direct ancestor in my tree.
There is no record in the peerage papers of a Gaspard Bourbon. He, his wife and Helene Comte would have been born in France, so any records would source from there. Helene is the only one of that group that came to North America., supposed daughter of Gaspard supposed son of Loius of Bourbon, doesn't have any source support for the connection of father /son in the official French Aristocracy rolls. Louis didn't have a son named Gaspard. There IS a Gaspard of Coligny, advisor to Charles the IX in 1519-1572, but he did not have any offspring named Helene.
Louis of Bourbon's issue include:
Henri de Bourbon, Prince of Condé[1]
Marguerite de Bourbon b. 8 Nov 1556
Charles de Bourbon b. 3 Nov 1557
François de Bourbon, Prince of Conti b. 19 Aug 1558[1]
Charles de Bourbon, Cardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, b. 30 Mar 1562[1]
Louis de Bourbon b. 30 Mar 1562
Madeleine de Bourbon b. 7 Oct 1563
Catherine de Bourbon b. 1564
On 8 Nov 1565 he married Francoise d'Orleans, Mademoiselle de Longueville,[1] they had:
Charles de Bourbon, Count of Soissons b. 3 Nov 1566, Nogent le Rotrou[1]
Louis de Bourbon b. 1567
Benjamin de Bourbon b. 1569
You find the same problem that you'll discuss here too.
@Francois Gaspard de Bourbon.
it seems to be this person:
Charle , quatrième fils de Louis Prince de Condé , & de
.fa première femme , né le .30. Mars 1 561. & élevé à Rome » £bande de
avec ses deux frères le Prince de Conti & le Comte de Soif- gueules,
sons , prit le parti de l'Eglifc , & fut en 1 581. Coadjuteur
du Cardinal de Bourbon Ton oncle , Archevêque de Rouen ,
auquel il succéda en 1590. ayant été fait Cardinal dès lan
15S3. par le Pape Grégoire XIII. II posséda encore les
Abayes de:Saint Denis en France , de laint Gcrmain-des-
Prez , de saint Ouen >de Bourgueuil , de sainte Catherine de
Rouen , & d'Orcamp. Son caractère facile Tex-posant aux
impressions des flateurs , il forma après la mort d'Henri IIL
un tiers parti de Catholiques dans la vue de se faire élire Roi.
Ses desseins s'évanouirent par la conversion d'Henri IV. 8c
il se réconcilia avec ce Monarque. II mourut peu après d'hy
dropisie le 30. Juillet 1 594.
François de Bourbon lbn frère , qui le précédoit dans Ecartelé" de
Tordre de la naissance,né le 1 9. Août 1558. porta le titre de ^t"„epéar1'
Prince de Conti , terre en Brie, qu'il eut avec la Principauté & d'Aiençoi»
deChâteau-Rcgnaud. Il reçut en Décembre 1 579. leCollier
de TOrdre du Saint-Esprit , & quita en * 587. la Cour pour
s'atacher au Roi de Navare , pour lequel il combatif vaillament
à la bataille d'Yvri en 1590. Il fut pourvû par ce-
Monarque des Gouvernemens d'Auvergne, de Paris & de
Dausiné , & mourut le 3. Août 1614. dans THôtel Abaíial
de saint Gcrmain-des-Prez , ayant obtenu après la more
Forwarding note from Miss. Elizabeth Joanne FLETCHER
Managers of dubious, no record: Gaspasrd François Gaspard de Bourbon-Comtée,
I am contacting you about this profile:
This fellow is a member of the Bourbon Dynasty of France. He is actually a member of the Cadet Conti branch according to = (person ID = A3
He is listed in the pedigree of a distant cousin of mine who shares Powhatan Indigenous Ancestry with me that I have proven via MyHeritage DNA. The MyHeritage Site is White LeBlanc Cater
Praying that this is the right person.
Familysearch FSID = G9D7-K86
Miss. Elizabeth Joanne Humay
dubious, no record: Gaspasrd François Gaspard de Bourbon-Comtée