oops not the headstone as there is no picture..but from the cemetery records. There was no date of birth included, and am wondering if the date of death isnt actually the burial date, as most cemetery records just include that date. Is why I didnt add a date of death, but did put June 1975 as time of burial.
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You can add the info you know to their profiles yourself by viewing their profiles and clicking "Edit Profile"
You can also add additional people that are missing and invite the living ones with their email address.
If you have something differnet than what is here it is sometimes best to see if there is any info to back it up on the profile and perhaps click on "Discussion" and try to talk about it to see if the discrepancy can be explained.
More ways of viewing the tree are to click on "View Tree" and you can see a couple different graphical views of the tree. It works well from a regular computer, but not all phones and tablets right now though.
You can also view the Altavilla project and see the oldest of each family name (and some loose ends) and browse branches from there: https://www.geni.com/projects/Altavilla-Milicia-Palermo-Sicily-Ital...
From a profile you can also click on the lists on the right side which show how many blood relatives and ancestors there were...
Or click on "Actions" and then "View Claimed Family" and see your closest family that we have invited to claim their profile
It depends on what you want to see and how you want to see it.