Hi guys, this is a little odd. Tamazin is my 10th grandmother-I have a direct maternal line with her, not a cousin, and I am trying to find some documentation that would prove her parents, her mother is also in my direct line. I have hit a brick wall. Geni is a little different than WikiTree, they have these groups that take profiles and put them in things like "The Great Puritan Migration" or some little self important group of the likes, and in doing so make it so you have to have "proof in hand" or you don't get to work on adding parents-even with what they consider vague information. AND to top it off, I have not been, how to say it without cuss words....have not....been...like... "invited in", I'm an outsider wanting to move forward, don't know why they shut it like that, it's not a good thing to have a mind so narrow people at the next table can hear your ears grind together when you attempt to think. Not everyone there is the same, I just ran into the bumper crop of...them people. I'm being nicer then they have been. I don't fit the mold there anyway-I never lost that sense of self I acquired in the USMC, and then became a licensed nurse, so what was left was me, not taking "I don't know" for an answer, and I asked for help, all I was told was thats all there is, sorry. (I added the sorry part). Thats one dilema I am trying to work through, any help would be really appreciated, I want to show up there with stuff I can put together and kinda put my foot under some butt's and get this moving.
My maternal line is as follows
1. Rusty (me) is the son of Donna Wright
2. Donna is the daughter of Maxine Grace (Cox) Comstock (1920-1988)
3. Maxine is the daughter of Mabel (Benson) Dickson
4. Mabel is the daughter of Elsie Jane (Walton) Benson (bef.1843-1900)
5. Elsie is the daughter of Harriet (Seymour) Walton (1812-1867)
6. Harriet is the daughter of Zilpha (Borden) Seymour (abt.1788-1879)
7. Zilpha is the daughter of Hannah (Calkins) Borden (1755-1837)
8. Hannah is the daughter of Mary (Prentiss) Calkins (1726-1763)
9. Mary is the daughter of Phebe (Harris) Edgerton (1700-1763)
10. Phebe is the daughter of Mary (Stevens) Harris (1677-1718)
11. Mary is the daughter of Mary (Meigs) Stevens (abt.1633-1703)
12. Mary is the daughter of Thomasine (Fry) Meigs (1612-1672)
This makes Thomasine the tenth great grandmother for me.
And for the foreseeable future, or eternity, whichever comes first, thats how it is, and I might add, "period."
I didn't ask to be me, or ask to be related to certain people, but I find I am in this spot and for a reason. Now is the time to fill this small yet large chasm-and I also know that other places worked this through-I don't understand why it is so hard for them on Wiki to understand how it is with what documents that are there.
There are 73 people managing this profile, am I related to you? So many people, in so many places, with access to all things as it is, just one piece, I am scouring the births from the area she was born in, every church record, anything that will link her to parents, don't care what it is as long as it has a way to cite it, personally I'd take scrawl on bark if it could be cited.
If anyone would like. my email address it is "chrisandrusty@gmail.com", I don't always get here as much as I would like to, and the wife has had a fairly rough time the last couple years and we are at hospitals more than we like to be and working on genealogy is not allowed on their wifi I guess, have never been able to hook in and do any everytime we are there, but that gets my attention every morning at least.
Thank you for taking time to read this and sorry for being long winded. Hope everyone has a fantastic day,
Thank you