Edward Nally
The dates may not match your inquiry but may assist with your research, I have this information about descendants in my family tree linking to the Dalton's in Westmeath
Catherine Dalton was born about 1816 - 1818 in Kilbeggan, County Wesmeath, Ireland. She had 4 sisters Alice, Jane, Mary and Winifred and 2 brothers Richard and Thomas. It is believed that Thomas moved to the USA before 1852 and that Catherine married a Bryan? Nally and had 4 children to him in Ireland. I have no further information about Catherine's parents, husband or children or what happened to her other siblings.
On 30 December 1851 Catherine was tried (under the name of Catherine Nally) with her sister Alice Dalton in Westmeath for stealing 3 sheep and sent to 7 years transportation to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) on the ship 'Midlothian'. The Midlothian departed Kingston (Dun Laohhaire - near Dublin) arriving in Tasmania on 24 February 1853.
I can be contacted on Ancestry for further information : atoz7648