What do ”bef.” and ”before” really mean in front of a time expression? If I open a profile list of a project (e.g. https://www.geni.com/projects/Paikkakunta-%C3%84ht%C3%A4ri-Etel%C3%...), I can see some profiles with time expressions including ”bef.”, e.g. ”Martti Martinpoika Tempakka (1734 - bef.1761)”. If I open the profile Martti Martinpoika Tempakka, I can see that the person has died between 20 July 1760 and 31 December 1761. I think that’s not ”before 1761”, but it should be ”not later than in 1761” or ”before 1762”. Whose interpretation is correct? Mine or Geni’s?