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Esther Fouche (FOUCHER 1688-1697, maybe a sister of PHHILIPPE FOUCHE (Foucher) came ffrom Orleans in 1688 on board the VOORSCHOOTEN , vestig te Lustig- Aan Paarl. Married 10/12/1687 to Jacues PINAAR(PINARD) two sons.
Die Hugenote van Suid Afrika 1688-1988 page 160
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Esther Fouche ( Foucher) 1683-? according to Hugenote van Suid Afrika, d.o. Philippe Fouche and Anna Souchay ,came to SA from Orleanais in 1688 aboard Die Voorschooten. Vestig te Wldenpaardenjacht, Paarl. UNMARRIED moontlik jonk dood. Geen kinders.