I can hopefully a little information about this gentleman.His niece Mary married Denis o'conor of Ballenagare co. Roscommon and i am descended from that marriage on my mother's side. He was Biship of Killala and consecrated Bishop in secret in Newgate Prison by a Bishop O'Donnelly in c.1703 . Family tradition has it that prior to return to Ireland Taddeus had been chaplain to Prince of Savoy. We have a letter of safe conduct for him signed by the Emporor Leopold 1 to Queen Anne of England relating to his return cŕturbto ireland from the Continent We have his episcopal ring ,a penal law chalice with an inscriptions bearing his name and liturgical vestments attributed to him in our possession . As a Catholic Bishop in penal law ireland he was a fugitive and travelled under the name 'Mr. Fitzgerald'