Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks - @Sons of Clovis The Great

Started by Tor Bjarne Olsen on Wednesday, July 18, 2018
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Once again you have deleted sons from Clovis The Great and you have made it impossible to correct YOUR fault.
I have had a discussion about Clovis with Justin befor, regarding wrong information that are put out on Geni, With the explonation that you are curators, ref to Gregory of tours, wikipedia and so on.
This time you have broken the official line of Kings in France by deleting Clothair I and his wife Ingunde who was the father and mother of both Sigebert I and Chilperic I, Gontrand and Caribert .
I told Justin that there is possible to get the official line of Kings in France, it seems that you do not know have to get it.
You have also continued to use te Pictures I uploaded to Clovis the first time as if they belonged and where put out by curators.
I have been doing this work for 10 years, so when I see what you are doing with the info, relatives I put out on profiles, it feels pathetic on Your behalf.
I will on this background claim that Geni and some of the curators is no Source of truth when it comes to genealogy, they are more followers than researcher, depending on what others put out and if they do not find the same they say that it is wrong and stop decendant lines and so on.
I do not care if Clovis was a King or a Blacksmith, my concern is genealogy and that lines are correct, that is why I am doing all this work.

I have not personally removed any sons from Clovis. Please ask the right persons involved.

Best regards

Dudes, we've gt at least two Clovis profiles, one of which includes Chlothar as son and one which doesn't.

Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks (Master Profile, no Chlothar))
Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks (includes Chlothar)

Any more? Oh yes....

King of France Clovis, I
King of Franks Clovis, I
King of France Clovis, 1st
King Clovis Clovis, II (Clovis "II")
King of France Clovis, 1st
King Clovis I the Great
KING Clovis I of the Franks


@ Clovis the Great (Magnus).
I know, the reason why this happens is that there are to many People who get the administrator possibilities to change and to many that get curator possibilities to change, Lock the profile so the fault that is put in become a truth.
As I said, it is very easy to get things right if you would give it a try and will do a job.
I do have the official genealogy for the french kings, which was bought in the Cathedral of Reims 6 years ago.
There are two Clovis in thi lineage, so that is correct Clovis I and Clovis II.
If Geni will be a serious cotributtor to a world tree, they have to prevent the possibility
for everybody to make changes in the official lineage of kings in a country.
It looks like many People tries to find a way to nobility or king at any cost and they contract information that suits their lineage, without putting in all information.
As you say the master profile (Justin Swanstrom) have no Clothair in the line, it is a pity that a person who declame that he has been a genealogist since 1967 and still do not know the lines in Europe.
As I said it seems that you do not know have to get, in that case I can prevent it for you that shows what I say is correct. (Officialyy not My Heritage copy or Family serch copy).

Chlothar I the Old, King of the Franks is Raúl Castro Chacón, Capitán de Navio's 35th great grandfather!
Raúl Castro Chacón, Capitán de Navio
Tú → Raúl Castro Puga
your father → Homero Castro Echeverría
his father → Eloísa Echeverría Castro
his mother → José Ramón Echeverría Ruiz-Tagle
her father → Diego Echeverría Larraín
his father → Mónica Josefa Larraín Lecaros
his mother → Francisco Larrain de la Cerda
her father → Mónica de la Cerda
his mother → Juan de la Cerda Méndez de Contreras
her father → Alfonso Messía de la Cerda Poblete
his father → Alonso Juan Messía de la Cerda Torres
his father → Melchor Messía de la Cerda
his father → Leonor Rodríguez de la Cerda, Señora de La Vega de Armijo
his mother → Alfonso Fernández de la Cerda, Señor de Almendra y Sardeal
her father → Maria Fernández de Luna
his mother → D. Artal de Luna, Ricohombre de Aragón
her father → Eva II Ximénez de Urrea, II
his mother → Toda Pérez Cornel
her mother → Pedro Cornel
her father → Ouzenda Orlanda Trastamires
his mother → Trastamiro Hermigio Alboazar
her father → Da. Unisco Sisnandes
his mother → Rodrigue Bermudez de Castrogeriz
her father → Bermudo Lainez de Castrogeriz
his father → Teresa Elvira Núñez de Bella
his mother → Nuño Rasura Núñez
her father → Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya
his father → Bernardo Sanchez del Carpio
his father → Princesa Ximena Fruelaz de Asturias, Infanta
his mother → Froila I 'el Cruel' Saldana, rey de Asturias
her father → Ermessenda, reina consorte de Asturias
his mother → Pelayo, rey de Asturias
her father → Liubigotona
his mother → Suintila, Rey de los Visigodos
her father → Clodesinde
his mother → Siegbert I, King of Austrasia
her father → Chlothar I the Old, King of the Franks
his father

I have two profiles on Geni and was the first to put out info on Clovis The Great,
Now the curator called Victar has messed up both profile. Clovis is my 44 and through an other line 45 grandfather, he is also my fiances 34 and 43 Grandfather trough two lines, now they both are broken.
Just like Raúl who is missing the link to Clovis.
What kind of curator is this that just mess up Peoples work.
To bad I can not post the official linage here, bought in France at Reims Ctahedral.
Is this the kind of curators you will have (like Justin Swanstrom too).
Everyone can vlaim they are genealogist, but they would not cut People that are essential for the French Kingdom like these curators in Geni does.

Maybe get a Curator to check the descendant lines from the Master Profile - there are probably some lines missing.

This sometimes happens when the best-looking profile is chosen to Master instead of the best-supported.

We'll need to get the Medievalists on this, and I hope they're taking notes right now.

I'm not sure how much of a horrorshow it would be to merge the top two Clovises and their descendants - but it would probably solve the immediate problem.

This is not an immidiate problem this happened more than once
If the curators goes for the best looking profile instead of the truth, then it must be someting wrong regarding scills of the curators.
This is a bad excuse about the problem and shows that curators is no dedicated genealogists.
We who are users of this database pay for the use of it and not for everyone who feels that they know the correct answers shall be able to corupt lineages that we the users have put much work too.
Clovis is by the way my 44 and 45 grandfather. and 34 and 43 grandfather of my fiance through 4 different lines.
If you have curators that work like this then Geni as a true Source is not Worth a dime.
There are good curators at Geni too, that take their work seriosly, but you also have People like Vicar and Justin swanstro, who say his been a genealogist since 1967, and let this Things happen.
You may not know this but Clothair I the old is the son where the first lines of most kings in france came from and this line gets cut from serious genealogists, don't think so.
All Justin used as truth regarding Clovis was Wikipedia and Gregory of Tours, There is a lot more to find.
I do not feel that the "problem" is solved by curators but we will see.
I assume this missing information is on Place tomorrow.
I have posted a picture of the official genealogy of the French King under media at Clovis Profil.

well this is a fine bitchfest. i don't know if "vicar" or "justin" did anything wrong or not. i know my linkage to clovis is intact. but tor (butter), implying that there is a certain degree of malicious intent or callous laziness without any proof other than your ass hurting is no reason to besmirch two good (i assume) people on this database. which, by the way, i pay to use and they probably pay to use - so dont get al high and mighty because you dropped a doller or kroner or whatever. i've had ancient relatives disappear without explanation, but i work with it - see if i can find a legit reason - and move on. if you're such a god amongst genealogists, why dont you become a master curator and fix it yourself. otherwise - quit youre bitchin. - sjp

I see from Your answer which proberly is a attempt to exuse so called curators, but the only thing you do is to confirm what I am saying.
It is not the problem as you say that some People disapear, we are here talking about the most importent line of the king of Franc, take a look at the chart that I put under Clovis.
I did not say that all sons of Clovis was lost, but according to official French genealogi, the one that led to the French linage of kings was exluded, that is not something I just say it is the truth.
You say I should quit my bitchin, yes I will do that when People that are put in to do a job, do es it correctly.

Here's the source of the problem, guys:

Chlothar I the Old, King of the Franks's parents were changed to Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks (Master Profile) and Saint Clotilde of Burgundy by Alexander Naumov.
Nov 15, 2017 at 8:31 AM

Chlothar I the Old, King of the Franks's parent was changed to Clovis I the Great,King of the Franks (other profile) by Alexander Naumov.
Nov 15, 2017 at 11:09 AM

This Naumov dude barged in and parked Chlothar first on the Master Profile and then switched him to the #2 profile. Why, I have no idea. As far as I can tell he is *not* a curator and not even a Pro.

Thank you for trying.
Just a comment to what you are saying.
Clovis I The Great where the profile in wich I added Clotahiar I The Old in 2015.
After a dispute With Justin around the same time it was made as maaster profile.
A master profile is locked for changes, so how can this person then move/change anything from a master profile.
I do not know if you are a curator or not but it would be fine if you made the master profille correct regarding this issue, cause I do not get Access as it is a master profile.
As I said if you og to the Master profile you will find proof of what I say is correct.

Oh my goodness, so much arguing & disagreements on these profiles.

It feels as though someone is deliberately wanting these lineages mixed up is what I have noticed-

There may be alot of people that over the years have claimed Noble Royalty that are being exposed for not being noble at all.

The internet has given researchers such a vast amount of information & access to everything. It's hard for anyone to make such claims of nobility and not be noticed-

Real genealogists strive to correct the profiles, not disconnect them.

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