Margaret Peggy-Vass White (Anderson) - Peggy

Started by Private User on Tuesday, July 31, 2018
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On request I have locked this profile, but the reason is not clear to me. Please use simple international english :)

I am again confused by this picture of Margaret
This is a photo of Margaret Tatnell /king
I do not feel the Tatnell family history is accurate here

it comes freom the written history, that is available online, others contributed to this profile as well, it would be nice if others would also comment, A little while ago, there was a bit of pandemonium, about this profile, and many difference of oppinion, , there seems to be no way of clarifying this , so it was locked, until further evidence could be aquired, if you can add anything to better understand , please do :)

Ok well I have had actual confirmation from direct family who have confirmed that this is Margaret Tatnell king ie niece of her!! Please explore your history by consulting with family who have facts
There is a written document stating that Charles is actually Thomas!!
You still have not addressed if they were from England WHY is their children aboriginal
Also may I point out that this fang MY family were written about in the mollison journals Tasmanian aboriginal people!! All facts

Yes angela, i dont dispute what you are saying but to change things you have to add documentation, whilst oral history has truths and wrong facts, we like to add actual facts here, i hope you can understand that, i can not address the parents of any one born england as this may have come from the Book, journals that are online, if you have documentation Please feel free to add what you know, it can only help .. can you explain why he used the name Charles?, and why so many of his decendants are also named Charles, we can only add what we know from Documents,

Another visitor was the artist Augustus Earles he was stranded on the island for about eight mouths after the boat he was on sailed off with out him. During his enforced stay on the island he painted many pictures. One painting titled 'Governor Glass and Companions' which hangs in the Canberra National Gallery, includes Stephen and Peggy in the painting. Augustus Earles wrote of Stephen in his journals:

'The youngest of our party is named White. There is nothing very particular in his history. He is an excellent specimen of a young English sailor; and has all their characteristic warmth of feeling, and desperate courage, added to a simplicity almost childish. He was always the companion of my rambles whenever he could be spared from his toil, his manner of expressing his admiration of what he saw being highly amusing.'

They remained on Tristan da Cuhna until 1823. They returned to Hastings, Sussex, England for several years, where they had four more children. They were remarried on 5 July 1827 in Hastings after the birth of their second child. They immigrated and arrived in Van Diemen's Land on the "Rubicon" 19 June 1832.

The arrival of the Rubicon was noted in The Courier newspaper on Friday 22nd June 1832:

'Arrived on Monday the 18th inst. the bark Rubicon, 304 tons, Captain T.B.Danials from London 6th February, with general cargo of merechandize. Passengers......Mr. and Mrs. White and 5 children...'.

Also in the paper was an advertisement:


The undersigned who has just arrived with wife and family from England by the Rubicon, would be happy to engage with any gentleman to manage a farm. He is well qualified with the most approved practices on Agriculture in England, understands sheep, cattle and horses, and can turn his hand generally to anything useful about a farm. His wife is well accounted with management on a dairy.(Apply to by letter post paid) to the undersigned on board the Rubicon. To Capt. Daniel's or the Courier office.

An 1842 census shows Stephen White living in the Spring Bay area. He was living at Prossers Plains in a house owned by Thomas Cruttenden. Margaret White had been buried in Hobart on 3 August 1841. He tried to find his fortune in Ballarat, Victoria and died there 19 March 1854.

Created from an aboriginal co op in Tasmania who they are elders of the community one being Tatnell/Meers
Who are my direct relation

The co op is parradarrama pungenna and also information at Lia Pootah

I respectfully disagree with you and your information

Thomas or Charles as stated was not an English man you can’t base your findings on a person by their alias and say it was correct

Thomas changed his name in 1843 to Charles

Evidence based paper work at the linc website

thank you angela, so why the fuss?

The fuss??
I feel strongly about my family and am very passionate about my culture and identity and find it frustrating that because the was a story written from colonisation that it’s gosbel in which in those days a lot of those stories had been fabricated to make themselves not sound like the people they were
A lot of records were changed and fabricated to save themselves from the massacre and stolen gen

i meant the fuss about the name charles,his chosen name, and why it was on his profile, and yes i do understand what you are speaking about, but that had nothing to do about your original question,

if you feel things are wrong change them.!!

as long as you have documentation angela there wont be a problem.:)

Just for your Information, i am only 1 person,of multiple people who contributed to the profiles you mention, in other streams, also i did not write history, and i certainly havnt made up stories, i have sourced as others have documents,and accounts, i am not personally responsible for what i and others have found, and i certainly am not responsible for other peoples actions, in the past, and as my husband is very closely connected, i searched for accurate information, which i felt was important, and to the best of my knowledge. so it was just as important to me and all of our family, and others, ,as it is to you.

You are missing my point

no i am not missing anything, i am not here to argue, and i really prefer if you make accurate information available , if it is the case,that everything is wrong, . instead.

Ok well I provided you with some evidence and when I get the rest I will provide it to you!!
And please don’t insult me by asking for “proof”
My proof also come from a long line of generations of passed down history I am also happy to put you on to someone to ask yourself!
Thank you
And can I add that if you look through the family generations on here you will also find it there!!!
Apparently your findings are your truth but mine are mine to
Still I am really interested to know how Edward and Mary Ann are Aboriginal yet the parents are English? No pun intended to yourself but hasn’t the thought crossed your mind?? You added this information based on proven documents and the photos (which are fact)


I was able to delete the incorrectly attached photo of Margaret Fazackerly (King) nee Tatnell from this profile I believe as it was attached to this Margaret Peggy-Vass.

As to the origins of my great grandmother Margaret Tatnell - shall have to wait and see if anything comes out of the woodwork. My dad used to say we came from an Indian princess. haha. My great uncle laughed when I said this - he said she was a pakistani servant who was shipwrecked. But there are rumours of Aboriginal descent from other descendents so who knows. Maybe some document will surface somewhere when someone passes on.

It would be really nice to find answers Carolyn : )

On her overview it says “ She was listed as a half-caste Regis Mohawk, Native American Indian, and English.”

This is at odds with her birth place of Bombay, India

I think that unless a source for her being a “ a half-caste Regis Mohawk, Native American Indian, and English.” can be provided this should be removed.

Perhaps that was listed on the ships Indent leanne.

From "The Blenden Hall sailed from Gravesend (Kent) on 6th May 1821 heading towards India with 84 passengers aboard, including Margaret Vass, listed in the passenger list as Peggy, a Portuguese/Indian half-caste of Madras (or Bombay) maid to Mrs Lock, wife of a doctor resident in Bombay"

It should be really easy - we just need someone to upload a copy of the indent where it will clearly identify her origins.

I've only found the name of "Peggy" listed in both "Blendenhall" by JC Lockhart and Augustus Earle's 'Narrative of an Island of Tristan DAhuna' Peggy - Mrs. Lock's servant; or Peggy, half caste from Bombay (Earle). Mrs Lock refers to Peggy (Mrs Lock was having a verbal altercation with a Mrs. Painter aboard the Blendenhall) ......."She, pointing at Mrs. Painter - she is no better than my servant Peggy; her father only boatman and she sew bonnet;.... what you call those (**mantuamaker).' Pg 156- "Blendall Hall" -JG Lockhart(1930).

Family story was that when Stephen and Peggy and family returned to England - Stephen's father William wasn't really happy that she was so 'dark'- and insisted that she change her name to Anderson ( a much more English sounding name perhaps??) and remarrying in England some months after their return - the witnesses were William White (either Stephen's father or brother) and Frances White (sister in law to Stephen).

Can I also add that my DNA only shows a small percentage of Indian (Asian) not (American) - together with Irish, Scottish & English - Laura Lillian Tatnell/Davies was my great grandmother. Laura being the third child of Ann White & Charles Tatnell.

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