This has already been discussed by me (Vesa Herranen) with another profile admin Paavo Kuisma and we basically agree that we don't have evidence (source material) supporting the currently marked date of death for Heikki (Henrik Henriksson) i.e. 1745-Oct-5. Heikki seems to be marked as dead already in communion book of Haapajärvi 1740-45 (-51), Herranen p.8 and markings there for Heikki end in July 1743 while his wife has markings until the end of 1745. Heikki's wife Walborg is probably already widow when she moves to Olkkonen house (p.30 of the same communion book). Olkkonen can possibly be Walborg's family name but currently not sure how the Matts and wife Lisa on the same page of communion book 1746-51 are related to Walborg (could possibly be Walborg's sibling). In later years from 1752 it is Walborg's son Matts whose name is marked as the head of Olkkonen house (p.64 of the same book).
For the reasons explained above I hereby change the year of death for Heikki to 1743 and change his last name back to Herranen (Olkkonen can be listed as "other names"). If someone has more evidence to prove that this conclusion is wrong then please provide that to Heikki's reference information. There seems to be enough evidence that Walborg and his children are known as Olkkonen i.e. list of children's names and ages mostly match between records in Herranen and Olkkonen houses except that 3 youngest children don't seem to be mentioned yet in Herranen house even though they should have been born before Walborg moves to Olkkonen.