ZYSENWAJN (Sissenwein)/Wejnrowska (Weinerofski)/Schindler in Augustow

Started by Sara Ellen Norris on Monday, February 18, 2019
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I am looking for any information regarding the Sissenwein family. When I search JRI Poland, I only find them in the Sulwalki gubierna. My great great grandfather’s marriage Moszko (Moshe, Morris) Lejbo to Chaja Rockl WEJNROWSKA (Rachel Weinerofski) is in the JRI récords as is the birth of their daughter Bejla who I believe became Bessie in New York. My family immigrated to NY between 1890 and 1895 with my great grandfather initially going to Canada with his bride. I was told they went to Canada first because family was there and they went to Brooklyn (with several children) after his parents and sister settled there. There are several Zyzenwajns listed Iin Augustow but I am not sure how or if they were related. Bessie married Harris Lazarus in NY and my great grandfather, Philip (Feivish Shraga) married Celia Schindler in Poland (Russia).

There are 18 records for Zysenwajn that I find in JRI Poland in Sulwalki but I don’t know how/if they are related since I have little information earlier than my great great grandfather.

I suspect that my mother’s father’s family may have also been from Sulwalki - his older half brothers (his mother’s sons) definitely were but I haven’t traced my great grandfather on that side other than I know he studied at the Yeshiva in Voloshin. That family was Rabbi Israel Fineberg and Mary (Miriam) Kirschenbaum (Kirschbaum) Garfinkle Fineberg they settled in Buffalo NY sometime after having my grandfather in Pennsylvania.

Dear Sara
The Sissenweins married into my Serwianski family, and I am in touch with a descendant in USA, but will need to search for their details..
Jill Whitehead nee Servian (ex Serwianski)

I know that my grandmother's family came from Suwalki, but when I visited the town, none of the names on the few plaques reconstructed in the graveyard looked like "Levy" or "Grossman" so obviously they all Americanized their names. If anyone has any info about likely original names, I would greatly appreciate knowing.

Please what is "JRI Poland in Suwalki"?

If you log into JewishGen.org and look at databases under Poland you will see Jewish Records Indexing - Poland. It is a separate group that is associated with JewishGen. When I search there for surname Sissenwein using the sounds-like option, all of the real hits I get are in Sulwalki and mostly in Augustow. I found my great great grandparents and I became positive that I had the right couple when someone took a picture of their graves and the father’s name matched . Unfortunately my great grandfather and his brothers are not in the database.

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