If you find the answer, let me know. As far as I can determine, the connection comes from conjecture that, as Peter was the only head-of-household in their village by that name, Grietgen Peters must have been his daughter. I don't think there is any other proof of this theory, making my own connection iffy at best. Those dates are probably further (dis)proof. Similarly, Agnes Storer wrote a genealogy of the Custer family in which she mistakenly identifies Eva Gottshall, wife of Gottshall Gottshall, as a Custer because of the reference to a sister or son-in-law in a will. These two questionable pieces don't help my Doors/Custer connection. I am descended from Cornelius Tyson, but, as a recent Tyson genealogy states, there is no evidence that he is the son of Mattias Tyson and grandson of Peter, just the son of someone named Mattias. If only seeing it in print on the internet made it true.
Wayne Detwiler