This Izsak and also this one: Ignatz Lichtig
We should have had previous discussions about this here, because I can't remember what we decided, if anything.
First of all I think that the Ellis Island record match has nothing to do with either of these two Lichtigs, unless he left shortly after arrival and back to Slovakia to have more kids. I don't think that this Izsak ever moved to the USA. His kids did... though I can't see any primary source material.
Second, there's those new Kurima connections of his daughter Kati/Gitel.
Third for the other Izsak there's five different MH Trees that are suggested. At least one Merges the two Izsaks. Two have a precise birthdate in 1843, but I am not clear how they got that info. One has a second Stern wife. Can you write them?
I think we decided previously that they are first cousins. Cierne nad Toplou (where these Iszak kids were born) is few hours walk from Hanusovce n. T. (where two my closer Izsak kids were born) , it's up river a bit to Stulany where the other Izsak was born, and I think that they have roots in Kurima (where two of my closer Iszak's kids were born, two villages to the north of there, which may be why Kati-Gitel moved there.
Did we decide to create an NN brother - this Iszak's father - of my third-great grandfather Berko and linking NN parents for both?
Also I just realized I need to add seven kids for the other Iszak.