William Wright - Another Wright descendant of the Burlington Wrights?

Started by Karl David Wright on Thursday, April 18, 2019
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William Wright b.1665, of Baltimore Maryland, seemingly has no ancestry. And yet I keep getting hints that he's in fact a descendant of Thomas Wright, of Burlington . The latest such hint comes from another contemporary Wright who developed a tree leading to James Wright , hypothesized son of Thomas. This researcher was led somehow to conclude that James had lived for some time in Baltimore. That made me think that James and William could perhaps be brothers. How interesting if, indeed, they were.

If true it would mean that the two eldest Wright sons went south to Baltimore for their fortune, but James continued on to West Virginia. This seems plausible enough to open the discussion. The major point against it is that William was not recorded as a son of Thomas in Howden, but it's always possible for children to be overlooked in the records.

Erica Howton, this is a known area of interest for you. I don't know if there's any reference material that might help resolve this. For example, if we knew or suspected that William was Quaker, that would be pretty important in the Plus column...

Who is Christiana Enloe from Amsterdam ?

No idea; she came in with a merge at one point, and I cannot confirm her story. But there are 23 managers of that profile.

Raise a contact manager query for source info.


Notes I just added to profile:

Robert W. Barnes, Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1989) Page 204.

"ENLOES, HENDRICK (1), progenitor, was in Balto. Co. by 1674 and d. there c. 1707/1708; m. by 5 Nov. 1679 Christian (---) who surv. him; as a Dutchman was naturalized by Act of the Legislature of 6 June 1674; took up lands, incl. Dutch Neck and 100 acres 'Tryangle Neck' in May 1673, 100 acres 'Swallow Fork' in May 1683, 150 acres 'The Oblong' in June 1687, and 33 acres 'Low Lands' in March 1687; with wife Christian conveyed 100 acres 'Inloes Loyne' to John Boring in Nov. 1679, and 100 acres 'Swallow Fork' to John Fuller in Aug. 1682.

His will (Will Lib 12 Fol 312) was written 10 Dec. 1707 and probated 18 May 1708. In it he named wife Christian, son Abraham, the heirs of son John, daus. Hester and Margaret, also Christian Wright and Henry Galma; had issue: HENRY (not in will); ABRAHAM; JOHN; HESTER; MARGARET, m. 1st William Galloway and 2nd by 5 Oct 1709 James Durham."


Christian Wright is a different person from Enloe’s wife Christiana. Look at the revisions tab for possible bad merge a curator can undo.

It doesn't look like this profile ever was "Christian Wright". It's always been Christiana. I'm not quite sure what it's based on but I've heard nothing back from the profile owners as of yet.

Christiana, widow Enloe, was not a child of William Wright & Frances Bloyce of Somerset County, Maryland. She had a grand daughter Christiana Wright.

William Wright

Tree http://www.gen.cliftfam.com/fam117.html

Vital Records from Somerset Co., Maryland Vital Records, including Births, Marriages, and Deaths


Elizabeth, dau. William & Frances 5/12/1672 at Wi.-Comico [?]
William & Frances Bloys md. 12/27/1669 by James Winder, Just.
Christopher & Isabel Gradwell md. 6/1/1673
Abel, son of Christopher & Isabel b. 3/6/1673
Isabel wife of Christopher died and was buried 3/6/1673 at Manokin
Temperance dau. of Wm & Frances b. 8/12/1674 at Wi.-Cormico [?]
Judith dau. of Wm & Frances b. 7/12/----
Blois son of Wm & Frances b. 3/1/1687
Mathew dau of Wm & Frances b. 3/13/1685
Katherine, wife of Edward and dau of Nehemiah Covington died & was buried 8/7/1681 at the plantation of Nehemiah Covington
William son of Wm & Frances b. 8/10/1687
Frances dau of Wm & Frances b. 7/21/1683
Abel & Katherine Clarke, md. 1/12/1695/6 by Mr. John Huett Minister of the Gospell

Ok, I'll fix things up.

More info


Abraham was Hendricks' and Christiana's 4th child (of 5 total) and 3rd son. He was born across the Chesapeake Bay from Gunpowder Hundred in St. Paul's parish, Kent County, Maryland; it's likely that this was on land originally owned by his mother, who may have been a widow when she married Hendricks Enloe in about 1670. The family were of the Yeoman or small independent landowner social class.


Christiana's maiden name may have been either Abraham or Alkmore (Alkmaar). It was not Wright - that was the name of a grand-daughter who married or was daughter of a Mr. Wright.

Husband Hendrick Enloes (aka Enloos) transported himself, his wife Christiann (Christiana) Enloes, John Alkmore and Henry Abraham to Maryland together around 1658, for which he received 200 acres of headright land in 1661. In 1663, he jointly purchased 300 more acres in Baltimore County, Maryland, with same John Alkmore. This would seem to indicate some kind of a close relationship between the two men. John Alkmore (Alkmaar in Dutch) could have been Christiana's brother.


William was born about 1665, probably in England. He died in 1722/23 in Maryland. He married (1) Ann Benger (?); he married (2) Henrietta Enloes. It is not certain which children belong to which mother.

25 Feb 1723/4
Baltimore, Maryland

Bequeaths ... my oldest son William Right one shilling...my son Jacob Right 100 acres...called Right's Forrest ... a cow and calf...my daughter Christiana Ditto...one shilling...my daughter Mary Watkins One shilling ...my daughter Elizabeth Right one cow and calf...my [manor] plantation unto my son Solomon Right...[1]

9 Mar 1723/24

William Wright was born on 6 Nov 1665 in Baltimore, Maryland to John Wright and Mary Jane Lawson. He married Ann Benger about 1694. Children: Mary, William, Jacob, Elizabeth. He married 2nd Hester L, and 3rd Juliana Benbow. He died on 25 Feb 1723 at Gunpowder Hundred, Baltimore, Maryland.

(However profile has him born 6 Nov 1665 in St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire, England)

Here’s the John Wright & Lawson wife alluded to:


Mostly fixed. But as I was going another tree matched and I merge, and now I have a parent conflict for William Wright. Check it out ;-)

The manager of the Blois Wright 1599 profile is also the manager of the Blois Wright b 1687 profile. I would resolve the conflict to his tree configuration and put a link to the cut parent in the “about.”

Re: John Lawson: The dates seem to have been derived from the will, and not biology. The colonial-settlers link had been copied verbatim into Geni and so was merged in, but then I did a round of putting actual date guesstimates in place, since biology constraints were generally more restrictive than the will dates anyway. I hope this does not annoy people but the "born before x" stuff is really not very useful. ;-)

Have a look.

John Lawson

So the guru Lawson researcher currently is Carl Lawson, who also
Administers the Lawson DNA project.


I know all this because had a Lawson great grandmother. I’m pretty sure this John Lawson is unrelated to me.

Lawson’s (there are many) seen to be either Scots or from the Northern parts of England, Lancashire especially. But we’re all from John of Gaunt, of course.

William C. Wright was probably born in Baltimore Md and not England. I believe his father was John G. Wright and his mother Mary Jane (Lawson). John G. Wright father I believe was Arnold Wright (Right) of Clevendon Hatch, Essex England...1604-1659. I'd love to have documentation of the above. The genealogical sites are full of info, most which probably isn't accurate....

I finally got answers on the Wright/Enloes confusion. The Wright Surname group helped me to sort it out. With my y-dna. They found that William Wright and Hester adopted Hester's deceased brother's son Jacob. So, in 1701, my Wright line ended. I am a Wright in name only.

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