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Abraham was Hendricks' and Christiana's 4th child (of 5 total) and 3rd son. He was born across the Chesapeake Bay from Gunpowder Hundred in St. Paul's parish, Kent County, Maryland; it's likely that this was on land originally owned by his mother, who may have been a widow when she married Hendricks Enloe in about 1670. The family were of the Yeoman or small independent landowner social class.
Christiana's maiden name may have been either Abraham or Alkmore (Alkmaar). It was not Wright - that was the name of a grand-daughter who married or was daughter of a Mr. Wright.
Husband Hendrick Enloes (aka Enloos) transported himself, his wife Christiann (Christiana) Enloes, John Alkmore and Henry Abraham to Maryland together around 1658, for which he received 200 acres of headright land in 1661. In 1663, he jointly purchased 300 more acres in Baltimore County, Maryland, with same John Alkmore. This would seem to indicate some kind of a close relationship between the two men. John Alkmore (Alkmaar in Dutch) could have been Christiana's brother.
William was born about 1665, probably in England. He died in 1722/23 in Maryland. He married (1) Ann Benger (?); he married (2) Henrietta Enloes. It is not certain which children belong to which mother.
25 Feb 1723/4
Baltimore, Maryland
Bequeaths ... my oldest son William Right one son Jacob Right 100 acres...called Right's Forrest ... a cow and daughter Christiana daughter Mary Watkins One shilling daughter Elizabeth Right one cow and [manor] plantation unto my son Solomon Right...[1]
9 Mar 1723/24
William Wright was born on 6 Nov 1665 in Baltimore, Maryland to John Wright and Mary Jane Lawson. He married Ann Benger about 1694. Children: Mary, William, Jacob, Elizabeth. He married 2nd Hester L, and 3rd Juliana Benbow. He died on 25 Feb 1723 at Gunpowder Hundred, Baltimore, Maryland.
(However profile has him born 6 Nov 1665 in St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire, England)