Sam Rittenberg - Year of birth: 1913 or 1914?

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 14, 2019
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Private User
5/14/2019 at 10:53 AM

I found a "Declaration in the matter of registering a birth which has not been registered" for Samuel Rittenberg:
This declaration was made by Norman Rittenberg (Norman(Nachum) Rittenberg), who is listed as the father of Samuel. The maiden name of Samuel's mother is Minnie Sugarman (Mindel Rittenberg).
The date of birth appears to be written as follows: "May 22 (1914) 1913". My interpretation of this is as follows:
Norman Rittenberg originally made the declaration on July 19, 1928, and indicated that his son's DOB was May 22, 1914. However, on July 14, 1932, he made a subsequent declaration correcting the first one. The correction, apparently, was that the year of birth was 1913.
In the document, it does appear that "1913" is written in a diffferent handwriting, while "1914" is written in the same handwriting as "May 22". That is why I infer that the correct DOB is May 22, 1913.

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