norman ancestry??

Started by rod jeffery on Wednesday, July 3, 2019
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My Y haplogroup is Im170 and I have the "Viking finger" (Du Putreynes contracture) My surname (Jeffery) seems to be of Norman origin.What chance is there of male ancestor being from Normandy or a Viking? My ancestors earliest appearance is Patrick Jeffery, born 1690 , in Dunbar, Scotland, Cheers Rod Jeffery

Hi Rod,

Pretty good I would say. Henry 1st had many mistresses, and many illegitimate children. I seem to be descended from one of those, and I suspect a large number of English people would have similar links.

My wife, however, has Danish ancestry, so she has a more formal link to the Normans.


Mike King

My father DNA is L165....Viking. Please explain the "Viking fingers" I have contractions of the small and ring finger of both hands...would that be a symptom of said illness ??



Look for Dupuytren's Contracture on Google. Mike King

Hi ,thanx for your prompt ,informative replies.The " viking disease" or "Viking fingers" is a sign , not a symptom of Viking ancestry.(Although not completely specific). When the Pope blesses people he uses the contracted fingers as one past Pope had this.AsMike says, the best info is on Google. It's interesting to have a read. I am getting more recent DNA studies done as I think Haplogroup Im 170/ 273 can be updated, but seems to have originated aroung Bergen in Norway. Any advice on this would be welcomed. ps. there were many Geoffroi's (personal name ) in William the conqueror's invasion of England.cheers rod

Hi ,thanx for your prompt ,informative replies.The " viking disease" or "Viking fingers" is a sign , not a symptom of Viking ancestry.(Although not completely specific). When the Pope blesses people he uses the contracted fingers as one past Pope had this.AsMike says, the best info is on Google. It's interesting to have a read. I am getting more recent DNA studies done as I think Haplogroup Im 170/ 273 can be updated, but seems to have originated aroung Bergen in Norway. Any advice on this would be welcomed. ps. there were many Geoffroi's (personal name ) in William the conqueror's invasion of England.cheers rod

Also have Fitzgerald ancestry- Norman I think.

HI, Rod Jeffery,i also have small little fingers on both hands,and my answer is stop chewing your finger nails or it could have come from your mother's side of your family as some women tend to have small little fingers as they like to "Cock" there little fingers when in company of other women drinking tea,by pete Hanns

Hi again Rod Jeffery,you were talking about you ancestry,well i have ancestry connection in Norway, Sweden, And in Bornholm Denmark,at the present time in life i have a cousin who lives in "Norway" he married a German girl,and they have two great kids, and he works on fishing boats off the coast of "Norway" but what does that have to do with (price of fish) his name is " Elliot B Hanns" he like me was born in Australia,i dont know if he has little fingers on either his left or right hand i'll ask him next time i see him .by for now regards pete H

Hi Pete, thanx for your reply. Is Jeffery a common name in Norway. I have been to Tromso and my son lived in Bergen for a year.

Hi Rod,now you've got me there as i don't know about that,but the easiest thing to do would be for you to put the surname out across the net into into "Norway" and see what happens,this is what i do i do on occasions just to see what i've got,sometimes there is no reply then all of a sudden out of the blue i get a reply from a complete stranger,speaking of "Vikings" i've over time have discovered that most of the Vikings were of the "Swedish" breed and very nasty and unfriendly,but over the years they mellowed and now are quite reasonable people,but actually i have never been out of Australia,even when i was in the ROYAL Australian Air Force,i refuse most solidly to sail anywhere although via my mother's side of the family they were all sea going people,after nearly getting drowned when i was nearly 12 years old i've been a little bit scared of the ocean,especially of sharks, and as to flying it looks great until you are in a Airoplane that crash lands onto it's front nose wheel so i have never flown since,i suppose i am a bit of a coward when it comes in me doing anything that i can get injured in,going back i would when ever i was on the internet put the surname "Jeffery" out in all country and see what comes out,or that is what i am doing with Denmark at the this point in time,but for my relation "Finn Kofoed" there is a lot i would know or have about them, like my mum would say to me that we had relation's in Bornholm,and we had a very faint relationship to the Danish Royalty,ask Michael King a bit more as he seems to know what he is talking about,where with me it is all trial and error,although i have discovered that the first "Koeffoed" into Bornholm was a German by the name of "Henrick Covot" and he changed his name to "KOEFFOED" and my mother's grandfather changed his name to "Koefod just because he was living in England where he went to get a more or better work,he got married to a Welsh woman by name of Garrett,and a strange thing my father in law was Welsh and he was about a 2 street's away from where my great grandmother was born,so you never know unless you try all sort of things to find rellies,by for now,i talk to much,by regards pete

Hi Pete,we are opposites!! I love travel and have visited Tibet, Egypt, Afghanistan Wales and most other places. Favorite is Spain. I love Sailing ,parachuting and Ju-jitsu (unarmed combat) .Thanx for your suggestions. I know the Norse had Gods and goddesses called Geffjun and Frey so together they make a Jeffery. May Allah shine light on your Grave. cheers rod

Hi Rod,Well i like to travel all over Australia,many years ago i traveled over to Western Australia by horse doing a job as a drover of cattle and i saw Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory,and parts of Victoria Australia,i liked that it only took me 6 months to complete i was 17 years old at the time and liking it so much i went and did my "National Service" i like it some what,but nothing to rave about, some of the instructors needed a swift boot in the rear end, after that i joined the NSW Goverment Railways and i stayed at this for 3 years straight with no time off so i applied for annual leave but the head office said that they couldn't see there way clear to let me go off on leave at point in time(i dont know what the law is where you live but in Australia your are intitle to have three /4 weeks leave every 12 months) so we had a few words over this problem ending with me telling them to stick job up their back passage,and i went called into the main office in Sydney took a friendly solicitor with me got all of my pay owing to me holiday pay as well,( left with them saying i would not get work as work was hard to find,i gave the "V" sign to them and left walked out of there one street down the road walked into another building after doing test i had signed myself into the Royal Australian Air Force for six (6) years and i enjoyed it, i had a great chance of seeing the world with this job and the only thing or foreign soil i saw was to "Tasmania",as i had an accident in 1957 a ruined my right hand up for good, i had ripped all tendens and nerves out of four of my fingers and broke my right thumb in five places,not much use now,but in there wisdom in the RAAF they decided that i could not leave the cold climates of the country, so when i eventually finished my time of service they said i would have to stay in the eastern states in future as when they repaired my hand they had had to nylon sinews in my hand,and that i had to be very careful i did'nt burn or otherwise they would shrivel up and the hand would'nt be any good anymore, but went i left them i did everything they said not to do except burn my fingers still time to do that to, i now live in a hot place (no its not hell),as a matter of fact i was in two minds whether or not to sign up for another 13 years as i had my heart set on being a Doctor,but i was informed that with my hand the it was and is i was out of luck, as they would not pass me through the exams with it like that,the 13 years i was going to do was for me to study through them to be a dr,but i loved my time in the armed forces made a lot of good friends and i still have these same friends around although a few passed away, when i finish this letter to you i am going over to Myheritage for families event's and put your Surname on the inter Net and see just what comes up in Norway,then i might put a bug into my cousin over there "Elliot Hanns",by for now Rod see you in the nether.pete

If you have your raw DNA file, I suggest using I made a significant discovery from this site, which led me to develop an ancestral tree from an ancient DNA match in Iceland. I'm still developing the tree, but it has already brought me to Norway. If anyone is interested, the DNA match was a significant match for me to the KOV-A2 sample found while a road project was being excavated. The sample was from Sigurdur Arason who was executed for murdering his lovers husband in 1704, in Kopavogur, Iceland.

Hi Michael King
I am descended from Henry of Scotland, from Kelso and Ada of Warenne, from Huntington
Have you heard about this Lady ?

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