I have an interest in confirming genealogy information regarding Peter Fehr with the date of birth given here as January 17th, 1828. As a “rookie genealogist”, I’m hoping that there might be someone out there who can possibly help me to determine whether or not Cornelius “Knels” DeFehr is in fact this Peter Fehr’s father, thereby making him my husband’s ancestor.
Much of the information that I’ve located regarding my husband’s Great Grandfather, Peter Fehr, is well documented and seems to be in order. Info such as marriage/immigration/death information and a son named Jakob B. Fehr b. Feb. 04th, 1867, who is my husband’s grandfather.
Where I run into a quandary is described below. My husband’s great grandfather, Peter Fehr:
- had a date of birth of January 17th, 1827 (according to 1901 Saskatchewan Census – a difference of exactly 1 year from other sources given in Geni)
- went by the surname of “Vehr” at the time of immigration to Canada in 1876, according to the SS Mississippi manifest. I haven’t seen any references to the use of the name “Vehr” anywhere in the book “The Fehrs” by Arlette Kouwenhoven, who wrote extensively of the history of Cornelius “Knels” DeFehr’s ancestory.
- has descendants who claim that this man’s parents are not Cornelius “Knels” DeFehr, as indicated in Geni and all other databases I’ve searched. Rather, their information is that Great Grandfather Peter Fehr’s parents are:
Peter Fehr b. Nov. 01, 1785 d. Mar. 08, 1863;
and Anna (maiden name unknown) b. Nov. 21, 1875 d. Mar. 18, circa. 1855
They are not able to cite sources regarding their information pertaining to the latter mentioned parents.
This leads me to wonder if there were possibly two Peters with variable surnames of “Fehr”, born exactly one year apart born in Russia. Perhaps one immigrated to Canada and has been erroneously linked to Cornelius “Knels” DeFehr? If anyone has more information that would clear this up, I’d be very interested in hearing from you.
Interesting questions. As to the name Vehr, i was told by several different folks in the Netherlands while I was visiting there in April of this year, that the “v” is pronounced like an “f” in Dutch. For instance, I was asking about the towns of “Veendam” and “veere” in the Netherlands. My hosts had no idea what I was talking about until I spelled the names. I was pronouncing the “v” as a “v”, but they pronounced the “v” as an “f”. When I realized that, I could easily see how “veer” became “feer” or “Fehr”.
Could you tell me, is the exact birthdate provided in the Saskatchewan census you have cited? Or is it just an age that is provided? What I have found in many cases in census reports is an age given, not necessarily a birth date. If only the age is given, that age could change quickly, as soon as the person has a birthday.
The grandma database cites the following as birth sources: Birth Source: Reinländer Gemeinde Buch : 1880-1903, Manitoba, Canada, page 273-1 Birth Source: Desnoyers, Cary. (1999). The first source is a source commonly used for Mennonite populations. But I know nothing about the second source. I don’t know who Cory Desnoyers might be and not sure how to reach Cory. However I did find the following website on google which apparently is run by a person of the name: http://www.museumstuff.com/family-history/names/Desnoyers.php. It has a Peter Fehr on it. Also, are you familiar with this website: http://www.fehrgenealogy.com/trees/fehr/p267.htm#i549. It lists many Peter Fehr’s. Though I have not found one with a birthdate of 1785 yet. I wonder if Don Fehr, the person who runs that site, would have further information about. Peter Fehr born 1785. When you speak of Peter Fehr born 1785 and Anna Unknown, did you mean to give a birthdate of 1775 for her?
Hello Rosella,
I think you're right. We too have heard that the "V" was pronounced like an "F". The ship manifest had the spelling of their name as Vehr, as did the 1881 Census of Canada (Manitoba). Censuses that followed show the name spelled with an "F". According to the book, "The Fehrs", this had not been the practice of descendants of Gysbert DeFehr, so it caused me to question if this Peter Fehr is actually closely related to that family of DeFehrs.
To answer your question from your second post, the actual date of birth for Peter is recorded as September 17th, 1827. That's what I like about the census that year; they asked for precise birth dates, which is very helpful.
Thank you very much for your responses.
Elaine Fehr
Interesting. I found this on the Saskatchewan census for 1906: Peter Fehr
in the 1906 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
View 1906 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
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View 1906 Form
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Report issue
Name: Peter Fehr
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Age: 77
Birthplace: Russia
Relation to Head of House: Father
Immigration Year: 1876
Province: Saskatchewan
District: Saskatchewan
Sub-District Description: Townships 39, 40, 41 in ranges 4, 5 west of the 3rd M
Sub-District: 13
Household Members:
Name Age
Heinrich Doell 42
Barbara Doell 42
Peter Doell 19
Jacob Doell 18
Heinrich Doell 15
Johann Doell 13
Cornelius Doell 11
Katharina Doell 3
Peter Fehr 77
If he was 77 in 1906, you might think he was born in 1827. But then, it would also depend on exactly what the actual date of the 1906 census would have been. On grandma, the 1828 Peter Fehr has a child named Barbara with a Spouse named Heinrich Doell and anumber if The lasted Doell children.
Oh. Here’s a censuyof Canada of 1901 which does actually list a birthdate of Sept 17, 1827: But the wife is Katharina. Peter Fehr
in the 1901 Census of Canada
View 1901 Census of Canada
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View 1901 Form (English version)
View 1901 Form (French version)
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Report issue
Name: Peter Fehr
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Age: 73
Birth Day & Month: 17 Sep
Birth Year: 1827
Birthplace: Russia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Immigration Year: 1876
Racial or Tribal Origin: German
Nationality: Canadian
Religion: Mennonite
Occupation: Farmer
Province: The Territories
District: Saskatchewan
District Number: 205
Sub-District: Rosthern
Sub-District Number: X-1
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Peter Fehr 73
Katharina Fehr 77
Yes, sorry once again Rosella! You're right, our Peter Fehr's birthday was Sept. 17th, 1827 according to the 1901 Census. But I see where you're going with that birth date discrepancy in the 1906 census. Thanks for taking the time to figure out his age! It's pretty clear that in fact, Peter Fehr's year of birth must have been 1828 just like the databases show. I feel very good about that one discrepancy having been cleared up. Thank you so much! The other thing I learned from you is to pay more attention to 'the relation to the head of the household" column. It had escaped me that he was living in a house with his daughter and family. You're a good teacher! ;)
I'm not keeping up with you, so I'll just answer a few of the questions that are quick to answer for now. Our Peter Fehr b 1827 (which I now believe must be 1828) died in Saskatchewan in 1906, which would have occurred just after his 78th birthday if correct that he was born in 1828.
Yes, I am aware of his second wife Katharina Mueller. I actually had a page from the Reinländer Gemeinde Buch : 1880-1903, Manitoba, Canada, page 273-1 photocopied which shows a photo of him and Katharina. I've been thinking of trying to find out where their birth source was for Peter, but haven't spent the time to find out a way of doing that. The library that had the book lost it, so will try to find more info online.