Rabbi Löw Schwab ((Löw) Loew Schwab) was born in Moravsky Krumlov. According to geni his father was Markus Schwab. According to https://www.mkrumlov.cz/zidovsky-hrbitov/d-5095 there is a prominent grave of Aron Mordechaj Schwab in the local cemetery. I wonder how they are connected.
Hello Pál, thank you for your reply and nice to be in touch with you. Yes, I've read this information, too, that his father was a "Hausierer" (as well as several biografical notes and texts). Löw Schwab must have been a very impressive personality.
The Schwab family seems to have lived for some time in Moravsky Krumlov, so I wondered if there is more known about further family connections in older times. There is a family in the Netherelands calles Zwaap whose family lore says that they had come longer time ago somewhere from the region. Strangely, his father and his uncles also ressemble Löw Schwaab strongly (at least as he is shown in this picture: https://www.biographien.ac.at/oebl/oebl_S/Schwab_Loew_1794_1857.xml). Zwaap is the Dutch form of Schwab, and so I wonder if it might be possible to find traces that go to France or the Netherlands somehow.
Schwab Löw's Tomb in Central Budapest (Kozma Street)
is in a cemetery. (Lot 5 1 row 1 grave)
Originally buried at Lehel Street Cemetery (1857) The cemetery was relocated when it was liquidated.
I've been to the grave many times. I have many pictures of him.
The relationship between Markus (Mordechai) Schwab and Löw Schwab has not been proved, but is likely.