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Started by Private User on Sunday, July 21, 2019
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Hi Kevin,
I wanted to let you know that I've got this merge pending:

Geni identified a tree match, on Samuel Joel Hillelowitz's profile, and I confirmed that it is the same person (same parent, wife, and child). A couple of glitches related to this are as follows: 1) my version of the profile correctly shows him as deceased and his sister as Miriam (Hillelowitz) Bick, while the other version of the profile incorrectly had him still living, with sister wrongly listed as Miriam Katzenellenpogen, and 2) the 'living' version of the profile, and people attached to it have been marked as private even though they are all actually deceased, and should not have been private. Consequently, I believe I've ended up creating some duplication which will need to be cleaned up in following through with the merge. I think there are some small differences in surnames for what appear to be some of the same people (I used Friser, as shown in Unbroken Chain, whereas the other profiles used Prizer (?))

Claudia Bullock,

Merge has been completed and tree conflict has been cleared up.

Kevin, Thank you for working your magic :).

Kevin, this profile is for Eliezer Rabinowitz, who died in 1879, and needs to be changed from private to public:

R' Eliezer Rabinowitz


Claudia Bullock,

For a profile like, Wife of R' Eliezer Rabinowitz, the name "Wife of R' Eliezer", without the quotes goes in the First Name field. His surname goes in the Last Name field and if known, her surname at birth goes in the Birth Surname field.


Thanks, Kevin,

That makes perfect sense to me and is the pattern I've been trying to use when adding new people, although I guess I need to be careful to check the ones that have been entered by others to make sure they are in alignment with that pattern. The only time I get a bit confused is when a woman with an unknown given name has been a wife of 2 different men. In that case, I ended up making her a daughter of her parent rather than a wife of one of the two husbands.


I usually give her the first name of Wife of (2nd husband), replacing (2nd husband) with his name. Last name field will contain his surname.

If you have her birth surname, but not his, then I use a ? as his surname. This way, we know that we don't know it. If you don't know her surname at birth, but do know his, then leave her birth surname blank.

Claudia Bullock,

Everything is now done with Efraim Zalman Steinwurzel.

Thank you for the advice.

Regarding G15.2 Chaya Malka from Page 425, I'm afraid that all of her descendants were made private, even though most are deceased, so I'm not really able to check the information. Could you change them to public where appropriate? They run from page 425 down through the bottom of page 427.

Working on it right now.

Claudia Bullock,

All done.


Claudia Bullock,

I'm back to entering in the Weingort family.

They are in Chapter 4 Branch G.

Hi Kevin,
I ran into a problem with a merge. It started when Geni identified a tree match for this person, and I confirmed that it was the same person, as he had the same name, dates, parents and siblings that I found in Unbroken Chain:

Saul Zalman Katzenellenbogen

The problem is that there is a conflict now with his father's parents. Unbroken Chain shows his father's father as G12.2 Meshullam Zalman Katzenellenbogen of Keidaniai, with unknown mother, but the other tree that was involved in the merge shows the father as Meshullam Zalman Rabinowitz and Rebecca Leah (Ratner) Rabinowitz. When I tried to assign the parents according to what was in Unbroken Chain I got a message that I couldn't do it because it would split the tree.

Can you fix the mess I've created? I can't figure out how to back out of this, or what the best way is to proceed. Thanks.



Thanks Randy!


On page 437, descendants of this person have been marked private, even though some are deceased. I can see that some of the descendants are missing, but I can't add them since the profiles are private:

Abraham Marcus (Mordecai) Katzenellenbogen


Claudia Bullock,

Profiles have been made public for you. You should now be able to see them and work on the family.

Hi Claudia and Kevin, Since you're attending to this part of the tree, please have a look at these two profiles. I think they may be the same person. 1) R' Simcha HaKohen Rappaport of Grodno, 2) R' Simcha HaKohen Rappaport of Grodno. Note the 'about' section for HaGadol. Note also that HaGadol has two spouses and that there isn't a way I can see of determining which of the two spouses would be the mother of the Wife of Meir Gunzberg. Since this appears to be a fairly consequential node on the tree and Gadol there are 32 managers, perhaps the thing to do is to refer this to the Gadol managers. I'm not sure how best to do this. Any suggestions? Thanks, Adam

PS to Message of 28 Aug 2019 (12:34): Here is another who may be the same as the first two: 3) R' Simcha HaKohen Rappaport of Grodno


I don't have a clue as to who would be the mother of unknown wife of R' Meir Gunzburg.

To me the last Simha doesn't fit in with the rest of them. The daughters Rivka or Rebecca are married to what is likely two different Aryey Leibs.


I'm not going to venture into these waters. I'll put my comments from above into a discussion on each of those profile pages and let the managers decide what can be done, if anything.
Good Evening,

Dear Claudia, Kevin, and Randy, I just synched with the Katzenellenbogen work you've been doing over the past weeks, and it really looks great. Nice work. Let's hope we can keep it clean! My next (mis?)adventure may be into a 1589 Pinkhas from the Piedmont area. This could be very cool (or a total bust). You may not be hearing me for a while........Be Well, Adam


That's the way to go. I think that the chapter we need to likely be able to make the connection is not out yet.


Adam, I was trying to see if the daughters of either wife showed any indication of having been married to Meir Gunzberg, and I did not find anything like that.

Yara had one daughter (Rivka), and Ella had 4 (Yenta Sarah Halberstadt, Margola-wife of Akiva Charif, Wife of Bezalel Katzenellenbogen, and Mrs. Rabbi Mordechai Mendel Klausner). No indication that any of them was a wife of Meir Gunzberg. Conversely, each one of them did have a known husband who was definitely not Gunzberg.


For the family on page 438, I've got a merge with some unresolved duplicates involving private profiles. Hillel / Eliahu Berger is the same person who married Esther Mozes, and has a daughter Iliana, who married Amiram Ronen.

Claudia Bullock,

Post a link to the merge request and I'll deal with it.

I don't have a pending request. The merge went through with some unresolved duplicates.

Here is the profile for Hillel Birger, who married Ester Mozes. He has the same wife twice, once public and once private. He also has the same daughter twice, i.e. Ilana, who married Amiram Ronen. His sister, Esther/Ester (Birger) Rainer also appears twice. There is some conflict between the profiles of the two versions of his sister's tree. I have her with a daughter who married and Ohorienko, vs. the other version has her with a daughter marrying an Achromenko:

Hillel Eliahu Birger


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