My GGF was James Howard Hutchison.
BIRTH 27 JAN 1885 • Oklahoma
DEATH 23 MAR 1960 • Precinct 6, Tarrant, Texas, USA
His wife was Mary Mable Milner
BIRTH 6 JULY 1888 • Alvarado, Johnson, Texas, USA
DEATH 28 NOVEMBER 1975 • Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USA
There is no mother listed and his father is listed as James Mattison. I have exhausted every resource and genealogy website I know of so far that I can find. And there are no more living relatives to ask that would know this information.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I am also perplexed as to why he doesn't have his father's last name Mattison. Baby out of wedlock? Or...?