Samuel Pickett [Convict "Charlotte" 1788] is your fourth great grandfather.
→ Edward Joseph Francis
your father → Ethel May Francis
his mother → Edward James Beechey
her father → William Henry Beechey
his father → Jane Beechey
his mother → Samuel Pickett [Convict "Charlotte" 1788]
her father
Hi Terry my line through Samuel & Mary is their daughter Mary J Merrell who was mother to Bridget Ransley, who was mother to Maria Ransley, who was mother to William George Salter, who was father to Douglas Salter, who was father to Thomas Douglas Salter, who was father to Teena Maree Chiffey nee Salter (me Scott's wife).
Hi Scott, i have your branch from Samuel Pickett in my tree but with weird twist as follows
Thomas Donald Salter is your fifth cousin.
→ Edward Joseph Francis
your father → Ethel May Francis
his mother → Edward James Beechey
her father → William Henry Beechey
his father → Jane Beechey
his mother → Mary j Merrell
her sister → Bridget Ransley
her daughter → Maria Ransley
her daughter → William George Salter
her son → Douglas Salter
his son → Thomas Donald Salter
his son
then this is where everything changes
Teena Maree Chiffey is your great uncle's great niece's husband's sister.
→ Edward Joseph Francis
your father → Henry Arthur Francis
his father → Charlotte Elinor Horsey
his mother → Selina Mary Barwick
her daughter → Eric John Barwick
her husband → Raymond Barry Barwick
his brother → Malcom Barwick
his son → <private> Barwick
his daughter → <private> Salter
her husband → Teena Maree Chiffey
his sisterShow short path | Share this path
Shortest blood relationship
Teena Maree Chiffey is your fifth cousin once removed.
Teena Maree Chiffey
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Thomas Donald Salter and Kathleen Doreen Olive Shirley Salter
Wife of Scott Anthony Chiffey
Mother of <private> Chiffey and <private> Chiffey
Sister of <private> Salter; Lynette Fahey; <private> Salter; <private> Salter; Sharon Lee Gilbert and 4 others
Managed by: Scott Anthony Chiffey
Hi, I am not exactly sure I understand the question.
Geni finds the quickest route between 2 profiles
From Samuel Pickett [Convict "Charlotte" 1788] to Terry John Francis (4th great grandson)
* Samuel Pickett [Convict "Charlotte" 1788]
* his daughter Jane Beechey
* her son William Henry Beechey
* his son Edward James Beechey
* his daughter Ethel May Francis
* his son Edward Joseph Francis
* his son Terry John Francis
From Samuel Pickett [Convict "Charlotte" 1788] to Scott Anthony Chiffey (5th great grandaughters husband) - so Scott is not blood descended from Samuel
* Samuel Pickett [Convict "Charlotte" 1788]
* his daughter Mary Jane Merrell
* her daughter Bridget Ransley
* her daughter Maria Ransley
* her son William George Salter
* his son Douglas Salter
* his son Thomas Donald Salter
* his daughter Private User
* her husband Scott Anthony Chiffey
Because Scott isn't blood descended from Samuel, Geni will look for the quickest linkage via marriages between Scott and others.
The quickest connections between Scott's wife and Terry (by blood) is
* Private User
* her father Thomas Donald Salter
* his father Douglas Salter
* his father William George Salter
* his mother Maria Ransley
* her mother Bridget Ransley
* her mother Mary Jane Merrell
* her sister Jane Beechey
* her son William Henry Beechey
* his son Edward James Beechey
* his daughter Ethel May Francis
* her son Edward Joseph Francis
* his son Terry John Francis
Does that answer the question?
There are quicker ways via relationships