Who is R' Isaac Rafelowitz of Kinsk?

Started by Dovid Rosenbaum on Tuesday, September 24, 2019
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9/24/2019 at 7:03 PM

I added R' Isaac Rafelowitz of Kinsk to the project. Does anyone know who he was or anything about him?

And does anyone know how he connects to the greater Rafalowicz family from Konskie?

The only record I was able to find is his 1890 marriage in Zdunska Wola.

Perhaps profile manager Kevin Lawrence Hanit can help?

9/24/2019 at 8:52 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum,

I don't know anything else about him.


9/24/2019 at 9:07 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum
His wife is my great-grandmother's(1) sister , if you need information about the weingott / morgenstern family I have a lot of information. About her husband, I do not remember my father ever mentioned

9/24/2019 at 9:16 PM

Kevin Lawrence Hanit how did you know he's a rabbi? Or that he's called "of Kinsk?"

9/24/2019 at 9:47 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum,

My source is Dr. Neil Rosenstein's book "The Unbroken Chain", 3rd ediition, volume 2, chapter 4, page 158, G13.9.

Here's the exact entry

G13.9 Ruchama, married in Zdunka Wola in 1890, as his second wife, to R' Isaac Rafelowitz of Kinsk.

Her maiden name is Weingort.


9/25/2019 at 8:07 AM

Now that I know it's a second marriage, I have a potential merge candidate.

Izrael Icek Rafalowicz

Records have him as Izrael Icek Rafalowicz. Profile says born in 1860 but the profile manager Amnon Irmay uses very rough dates. We'll have to rely on Amnon's information somewhat because JRI Poland is missing Konskie records from 1845-1867, but he was probably born a few years earlier making him at least 18 for his first marriage.

Amnon has him as the son of Ojzer and Szandla Gitla, which is supported by his naming of his son Ojzer (b.1882).

He married 1874 in Rozprza to Frimeta Grinbaum.

Frimeta likely passed away before 1890 when he married Rachma Wajngot. JRI doesn't have anything in Konskie passed 1884.

Let me know what you think. I also see plenty of missing information in Amnon's tree which I'll work on now.

9/25/2019 at 8:44 AM

Dovid Rosenbaum,

Work on it and then come back to this discussion to let me know what you want to do with them.

9/25/2019 at 11:37 AM

Kevin Lawrence Hanit

Done my work here. Question now is whether to merge Izrael Icek Rafalowicz and R' Isaac Rafelowitz of Kinsk.

I strongly suspect it's the same person but have no evidence.

9/25/2019 at 11:54 AM

Dovid Rosenbaum,

I'm not 100% sure that they are the same person.

Let's ask Private User if they are.


Private User
9/25/2019 at 1:16 PM

I haven't looked into this yet, but if Amnon's tree is accurate, there is an obvious flaw in this merge. Szlama Rafalowicz is listed as being born in Konskie to Frimeta in 1892. So his father couldn't possibly have remarried in 1890... I haven't verified this info but that's what I spot at first glance.

9/25/2019 at 3:25 PM

Fair point. While I've generally found Amnon's dates to be significantly off, in this case the only Szlama I find on JRI around that time is in 1895.

Of course that could be a different Szlama, or the birth could have been registered later than his actual birth.

I guess we should leave as is pending more information.

Private User
9/25/2019 at 11:37 PM

In any case, I'd say it's a bit of a stretch to suggest he had 9+ kids in 16 years.

Maybe they werent married. I have found a text that says some communities accepted relationships without marriage. So he could be the same.person, with two women..was he a cohen or a levi ?

9/27/2019 at 2:27 PM

Jessica Christophe-Dymock Paternal Ydna QM 242 do you mean he was with both at the same time? such a thing is highly highly unlikely in this sort of community.

9/27/2019 at 10:23 PM

Jessica Christophe-Dymock Paternal Ydna QM 242
This is a rabbinic family.Ruhama(his wife) was my great-grandmother's sister and they were granddaughters of rabbi dovid morgenstern-the admor of koz.
Under no circumstances would she be allowed to live with a man without marriage

My comments were merely naive, but i did however learnt a great deal about poland through a text that shed a whole new light on rabbinical families. If you are sure she was married, maybe there was a brother or.a.cousin bearing the same male name and who isn't known yet ?

4/19/2020 at 11:49 AM

Took a while but I figured out who this is. Turns out Amnon Irmay already had a profile for Ruchama Rafalowicz (Weingott). Hard to find due his alternate spellings (Rafaelowicz and Wajngard). I merged the profiles.

R' Isaac was my third great uncle.

4/19/2020 at 11:52 AM

Haim Wartski, HaCohen we now have a pretty close relation, my third great uncle was married to your second great aunt.

4/19/2020 at 12:05 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum
the algorithm shows that we are distant cousins (11), it does not show me the relationship you write

4/19/2020 at 12:09 PM

Haim Wartski, HaCohen try hitting the refresh button right above the relationship box

4/19/2020 at 12:33 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum
Still showing me the same thing
You may be a relative of my great-grandfather's first wife. She was from the tencer family
her profile:
Ruchla Wartski

2/4/2021 at 6:31 PM

I just added up some data on the family name Rafelowitz/Rafalowicz on Geni. There are 935 profiles with this name on Geni. And, in the Konski Project there are only 43 of them.

So you guys and ladies have some work to do. The must be at least a few hundred more to put into the Konski project.

Now if you start down this path please request every Rafalowitz Profile Manager you find to Join the Konski project themselves, not just Follow it...Join it. And add some material to the Project description about this family name home at Konski.

Don't forget there is a parallel Project for the Name Rafalowitz where you can discuss where it came from and what does it mean.

2/6/2021 at 5:23 PM

Dan, I love that idea! I added a bit to the Rafalowicz surname. I will definitely drop them into the Kinsk (as my grandfather called it) Project as see them.

I too am a descendant of the Kinsk Rafalowicz family. There is still a surviving branch of Rafalowiczes in Israel.

12/14/2021 at 5:38 AM

Dan, I am happy to add some of these as well. I have a list of several surnames to work on .

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