hello from Australia. I am trying to find information on my grandfather
and his Latvian family. His name was Janis Jekob Grasis.
born in Riga about 1882. I have no information about his family.
He was a high ranking officer in the Army aand a carpenter bu trade.
I believe he married several times. He married my grandmother Alise in 1920 in
Bauska. he was 40 at the time so he may have already been married before.
They had 3 children, my father Julius was born 1925. not long after that the
marriage failed and he took his son to live with another woman who had 3
children of her own. We know this marriage did not last long either.
I believe they lived In Jauntiles for a while. Because of all the marriages I
believe he did not tell his other wives about his previous wives,
so that makes it hard I could be talking to the right person here and they did
not realise there were other children involved. I am getting desperate.
I was told by the wedding registra that the records for 1920 were lost so they
cannot help me. My father is now 94, not well and wants to know what happened
to his father, when did he die and where he is buried, so I am casting my net
far and wi''''''de. I have been searching for over30 years now.
Can you help with this enquiry? Do you have this history in your family?
thank you so much. Kind Regards, Margret.