It seems that the mother of Adele Scheer was changed to Rozalia Scheer.
According to my information, her father Jacob Scheer was married twice, 1.) on Nov. 21, 1856 Regina "Rosa" (Rebeka) Blüh, b. April 1841, d. 4.4.1880 in Povazska Bystrica. She was the mother of Adolf Arpad, Simon, Hermann, Adela, Sali and Irma.
Jacob married 2.) on May 11, 1880 Rozalia (Sara) Blüh, b. 23.7.1859 in Povazska Bystrica, and killed in the Holocaust, a half-sister of his 1.) wife. She was the mother of Rudolf, Bertold, Ernest "Ernö", Elena "Ilka" and Michal Maximilian "Miksa" (Moses).
According to this the earlier entry of the mother was right, and not the actual one.