It has been bought to my attention several times that there appear to be many variations for HAROLD GEORGE NEPIA SKELTON on several genealogy sites can everyone please NOTE that he was commonly known as Tony he was never any of the following
Anthony Skelton
Henry George Skelton
Harold Gray Skelton
Harold Gray Napier Skelton
I know this to be true because my Grandmother the late Gertrude Augustus Rahira Skelton (known as Gus) was his sister and she spoke of him often. I also have copies of his army papers and I’m also the current caretaker of his dog tags.
It would be extra helpful if folk didn’t just put up any old thing without doing due diligence their are folk who have spent many many years researching this branch of the Skelton Whanau.....
Thanks Jenny Greener
awesome cousin Jen .... well done...it sure would make things easier if people stop thinking they know your family better than you do .... same goes for all the people who have my mother as Thelma Skelton.... some even have my great great uncle as my great great grandfather ..... love you .. xooxxoxoxo