In researching my ancestry, I have encountered a contradiction regarding the wife of Guy de Comeau, II (also shown in FamilySearch as Guy II de Comeaux, Ecuyer).
This profile lists Lady Florence Maria Medici de Valois as his wife.
Alternately, FamilySearch lists Maria de Medici di Piero (1450-1471) as his wife.
The latter seems improbable. What is your view on this?
Thank you.
Nick White
As a note.
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Comeau-1023 (which does not show wife or parents for Guy de Comeau, fils) “comments” -
Attached is a page with It's own attachments and explanations of 'feuxs" and "homes" (foi et hommage) documents for Guy de Comeau, seigneur de Creancy-http://comeaunet.org/en/fiscal-census-guy-commeau/
Apparently there was a documented Pierre de Comeau born ca. 1601 to parents Jean de Comeau and Marguerite Ocquidem, and died ca. 1672 in and around Dijon, and was a viscount (vicomte) and lieutenant general (district attorney) for the bailliage of Dijon, and supposedly married an Anne Morin and that family stayed in Burgundy in the nobility. This would explain the confusion that the father James Comeau had in seeing another Pierre (de) Comeau documented around the same time and place as the Pierre Comeau, progenitor of the Acadian Comeaus.
No wife listed at
Dictionnaire de la noblesse ... de France, Volume 5
De François Alexandre Aubert de la Chenaye Desbois Page 63