Miguel de Cervantes - familytree

Started by adolpho cervantes on Sunday, February 9, 2020
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does anyone know how I can trace my male relatives all the way back to miguel de cervantes.

I am related to him directly as well as through an inlaw path. Please feel free to look at my tree.

Cervantes has only one daughter here. And none of his three known brothers have any spouses or children to be seen here (on Geni). So tracing the paternal line (if at all possible) could end up being very costly in both resources and time.

Per Britannica ( https://www.britannica.com/biography/Miguel-de-Cervantes/Translations ):

"...he had an affair with a young married woman named Ana de Villafranca (or Ana Franca de Rojas), the fruit of which was a daughter. Isabel de Saavedra, Cervantes's only child, was later brought up in her father's household."

So unfortunately, you cannot be a direct male-line descendant of Miguel.

Obviously there never was a daughter of Miguel's called Cervantes Zerrantes (because Cervantes and Zerrantes are the same surname, the second spelling being a wrong one).

That lady was invented and put in the tree because someone wanted to have a link between Miguel and Chiloe's Hernando Colmeneros de Andrade.

Gabriel Guarda in both his books mentions the Andrades of Galicia and Pontedeume, but he is extremely cautious about Miguel's alleged Cervantes ancestors. Maybe he had some, but he was not Miguel's grandson. O even if he was, Hernando's mother and Miguel's daughter was (or were) called something else

Correction: '... was extremely cautious about Hernando's alleged Cervantes ancestors ...'

I have just checked Gabriel Guarda's two books, and I can confirm that in 1995, Guarda says that Hernando Colmeneros' and Miguel's may have been 'the same family'. However, this comment had been dropped by 2002 (now there is nothing about 'the same family'). Guarda confirms that Cervantes y Zerrantes or Cerrantes is the same surname. He never says that a woman called Cervantes Zerrantes was either Hernando's mother or Miguel's daughter. My conclusion is that there is absolutely no evidence of a family link between Miguel de Cervantes and Chiloe's (or Pontedeume's) Colmeneros de Andrade

It's a shame it was left that way, with over 10,000 'descendants' wrongly thinking he's in their tree.

Beatriz Cervantes Zerrantes

Thank you so much, Private User!

I have removed the connection between Miguel de Cervantes and Beatriz Cervantes Zerrantes.

Should I now remove Beatriz completely from the Andrade family, so that she isn't showing as Hernando de Andrade, Sr.'s wife or as the mother of any of his children?

We could also simply change the data on Beatriz' profile to say that the true name of Hernando's wife is unknown, but it isn't Beatriz. Would that be better?

Shame indeed, Debra. People should be more careful when they assess data. On the other hand, I would not want to stop anyone from dreaming that they have an important ancestor, even if the evidence is slim

Hi Ashley. There are many things we do not know, and because of that I would be very careful. It is perfectly possible that Hernando's mother was called indeed Beatriz de Cervantes (but not Zerrantes). However, possibly she was not Miguel's daughter. Cervantes was a common surname with many variations (such as Caravantes). But possibly even more important, I would be very skeptical about any direct family links between Miguel and Hernando, mainly on the grounds that so many people are desperate to find those links, and because of that they tend to avoid being critical when they examine information. Not only Beatriz is a suspect as a possible family link, but also others including Spanish counts and other nobles and aristocrats

There's a big difference between slim evidence and no evidence. In this case we have sources indicating that Miguel only had the one known daughter, an only child whose mother is confirmed.

And the edit function provides an easy remedy should future compelling evidence of the existence of additional family members happen to be discovered.

I like his writing, and while I'd be thrilled to be related, out of respect and honor for his memory I prefer that it be preserved with as much accuracy as possible. I don't think that's asking too much.

I agree, Debra -- it's always best to stick to what we know, and then be open to re-adding something later if it's proven. That's why I cut Beatriz as a child of Cervantes.

In this case (with Beatriz' other possible connections), since I'm far from a Spanish specialist, I've put out a call to our Spanish curators to see if they can help.

Ashley, I don't wish to create any more problems, and I have a lot of respect for how seriously you take the need to be accurate and truthful. But the fact is that with Miguel's new Master Profile, Miguel not only still appears to be Hernando's ancestor, but on top of that they are now separated by 12 or 13 generations. This is completely impossible, since we know (or I think we know) that Miguel was born in 1547, and Hernando is believed to have been born about 1558. So, they are almost contemporaries, born only about 11 years apart (not 11 generations apart)

I wonder whether at least some of these new intermediate generations which have suddenly appeared in Miguel's new Master Profile, between Miguel and Hernando Colmeneros, are the alleged 'ancestors' of those 10,000 people, mentioned by Debra, who badly want to be, or pretend to be, Miguel's 'descendants' even if there is no evidence supporting it at all

Private User -- For the past 24 hours, Miguel de Cervantes has only had one descendant showing on Geni: his daughter, Isabel de Saavedra.

If you are seeing anyone else as a descendant, you may need to clear your browser's cache.

Thank you, Ashley

Not true.

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