Richard Osborne I m. Elizabeth Flydene
Richard Osborne II b. 1510 m. Jane Broughton 1510-1570
Children are:
Edward Osborne Julian Osborne and Thomas Osborne
No research has been done on Julian, however
Thomas Osborne married Wilmeth Mellows/Mellis
Jeremiah Osborne who married Joan Wybourne
Thomas Osborne b. 1594/5 m. Mary Goatley
Thomas Jr., Jeremiah, John, Richard, Stephen, Joseph, Rebecca, Increase, Benjamin.
Thomas Osborne and Mary Goatley were from Ashford, Kent, England. Their son Richard died at the ago of about 6 months and was buried in Ashford. The other 5 boys were born in Ashford, Kent, England. Rebecca, Increase, and Benjamin were born in the United States. They first went to New Haven, Conn. for a years, afterwards they migrated to New Hampshire, Long Island, New York and were tanners for 6 generations.