Finding my grandfathers biological parents

Started by Samuel Bickel on Monday, February 17, 2020
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My grandfather was taken in by an English couple when he was about 4 years old. He was born, we think in Illinois in 1908. He was never told the names of his parents, just that they both died. Though doing this DNA testing, I have been hoping to find where and who he comes from. I hope someone who reads this can help me.

Have you uploaded to gedmatch? Might find closer relationships than straight YDNA.

I have it on here, ancestry, then did the Ydna. Not sure if I did gedmatch. Ill check it out.

Y DNA mutates very slowly, so it isn't very good at helping you find ancestors. It's likely that if he is M198, that his paternal heritage is Jewish, and he may be a Levite (a hereditary caste of priests),

Samuel, I'm pretty good at finding relatives on Ancestry. Let me know if you want help on Ancestry.

"Y DNA mutates very slowly, so it isn't very good at helping you find ancestors."
@Mark Petschek Could you tell us which is better ??
A genetic mutation occurs on average once every 4 generations.

Y-37 and -67 are inaccurate to make any inference, I would update the test in this case Y-111 or 700 because you are looking for your unknown grandparents.

Upload your STR to to get your predicted haplo group.

R-M198 is also present in Finland, so it is quite difficult to deduce anything from it.
My grand father is also R-M198 (nevgen predicted haplo group is R1a-Z280-Y5570) and he was orthodox. ;-)

Correct me if I am wrong, but since Samuel is trying to find direct relatives. A better source for that is autosomal DNA (i.e. not the "sex" genes X or Y). The estimate of the MCRA (Most recent common ancestor for the R1a-y2619 sub-clade (which a more recent mutation than the M198) is about 1500 years. So unless he does much more testing, it is unlikely that the designation of M198 will help him find any relatives.

And I can speak from personal experience ... I have tested with FTDNA big-Y which tests 700snps, I have 2 other males who match me at that level, one has an adoption in their tree, but the other person and I both have direct male trees going back to the 1700s and there is no match.

I wish you luck Samuel, but I would put more effort in the autosomal tests.


I am RM198 and I have a German/Polish paternal background I don’t know my exact dad yet but through the DNA test at Ancestry I have found what appears to be a great aunt I am narrowing in. Hope this helps

I am trying to find my father's biological father and, as Ancestry isn't giving me a lot of viable information lately, I had my brother send in his DNA. My father was born in October 1915 and adopted days after he was born. His adoptive parents are Bush and Dewey and I believe there are blood relatives on the Dewey side.

Good luck to you in your endeavor!

Not sure if this will help, but my grandson is RM198. His paternal gg grandfather who immigrated to Canada in 1907 or perhaps 1903 was born somewhere in Galicia around 1880 or 1881 according to Canadian census records, he was listed as Rutheinian, and Greek Catholic. I have not found any other records thus far as to his actual origins, or any information of his family in Galicia.

did you do the family tree Y advance match? did you join the R1a project on FTDNA to match up with others of our R-M198?

My brother is R-M198 he did the Y37 test. Our father was born in NYC but his father was born in Mogilev, Russia. Mogilev is now Belarus.

when you use ancestry you need to know how to color code your matches and try and ignore descendant matches because they get in the way. lol, pay attn. to your matches between 100-600cms and build a tree. use other peoples tree and research on Family Search for free or Ancestry if you are a paid member. And to Mr. Bickel if you have not found what you need then hire a pro like Parabon or write a letter to a TV show that does DNA. some people love a good mystery.

Look through the shared matches for you and those high cMs. You should start to see matches in those names as well.

I found the English couple
Samuel Bickel

That may help due to there location trail.


I am also R-M198. I took the Y-111 with family tree and I have absolutely NO matches. My Dad "thought" we are German? My 4th Great Grandfather is Nicholas Glosser and his sons were Harrison (Henry), Clarkson Lemuel, Jackson Andrew, Elvira, & Mary. I am LOST in all of this. I have found Glosser's all over Europe. My hunch is my family may be from Slovakia, but, I am not sure.

I am R-M198. My paternal ancestry is from Maribu Denmark.

I did the Family Tree Y-111 test and gave absolutely NO matches. From Ancestry DNA I have NO Jewish in me, so that pretty much rules out the Slovakia Synagogue Records "matches" in my 'Paternal Name.


England & Northwestern Europe


Germanic Europe




12 Marker

Country Match Total Country Total Percentage Comments
Netherlands 1 3138 < 0.1 %
Russian Federation 1 10719 < 0.1 %
United Kingdom 1 15450 < 0.1 %

I did the Family Tree Y-111 test and gave absolutely NO matches. From Ancestry DNA I have NO Jewish in me, so that pretty much rules out the Slovakia Synagogue Records "matches" in my 'Paternal Name.


England & Northwestern Europe


Germanic Europe




12 Marker

Country Match Total Country Total Percentage Comments
Netherlands 1 3138 < 0.1 %
Russian Federation 1 10719 < 0.1 %
United Kingdom 1 15450 < 0.1 %

I don't match any one close either but my close match is Harrington from Ireland. I did the Y-111 also and I'm R-M198 too. I also joined the R1a project (just me being curious)

I have several matches to the HARRINGTON name on AncestryDNA. I have 8% Ireland in my dna. If that is the link to my paternal dna it would be kind of shocking since I always thought my paternal line was Germanic.

I was reported by 23&me of having Y-haplogroup R-Z92. Additional Big-Y testing from FamilyTreeDNA shows a predicted Y-DNA haplogroup of R-M198.

I have 1 Y-DNA match with 25 markers and 13 matches with 12 markers on FamilyTreeDNA.

To add to what others say, if you're looking for recent relatives, autosomal is the way to go. If you're trying to find out where you came from in history, Y-DNA and mt-DNA will show the way.

R-M198 is an ancient line of Y-DNA. Our paternal line was highly successful at producing male heirs. If it were not so, we would have a younger Y-DNA haplogroup. For our Y-DNA to be R-M198 after many generations is remarkable if the rule of one mutation for every four generations is true.

FWIW - we are all exceptionally good-looking and highly intelligent :):):)


My paternal grandparents immigrated to the USA from the village of Charubin (Podlaski V) in eastern Poland around 1905. I have autosomal cousins from Poland (not a big surprise given that my ancestors were only here in the US two generations before me).

The family name is Harubin (Slater is my step-dad's name) There are a bunch of Harubin descendants in the general area of King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA, so there is a non-trivial pool of potential R-M198 relatives, though I don't know how many have taken DNA tests.

Mark Petschek - It's interesting that you mentioned Jewish heritage, because there were 'stories' of our family name, Harubin, sounding vaguely Jewish. The family was Roman Catholic, but for how many generations I don't know. At some points in history, there were strong pushes to convert Jewish people to Catholicism/Orthodox Christianity, under threat of death.

I'm curious as to why you think the haplogroup might be attributed to the Levitical line. If it is, I'll gladly claim to be a descendant of Zadok the priest.

Petri Laasonen - again addressing the Jewish angle, sorry but the term Orthodox can be ambiguous. Was your grandfather an Orthodox Jew, or Eastern/Russian Orthodox (Christian)?

FWIW - The Jewish heritage testing that I've seen only tests for markers for Ashkenazi heritage. To my knowledge, no one has identified any other genetic markers for Jewishness. If that's true, there could be many people from ancient Jewish lines (lost tribes?) that would test as non-Jewish.

From some of the FamilyTreeDNA tests, I do have 0.96% Askenazi DNA.

My autosomal mixture (23&me at the 50% level)
50.3% Polish,
49.5% British/Irish
0.2% Ancient Persian/Caucasian/Mesopotamian.

There is zero autosomal DNA from any of the world's other populations.

My GEDmatch Kit is DY2301564 if anyone cares to compare.

Hope this helps the original poster.

Beyond that...

My mt-DNA Haplogroup is K1b1b, an ancient line of mt-DNA.

My British/Irish ancestors showed up in the USA some time before 1775 and apparently married only other British/Irish people. Yes, there was a fair amount of inbreeding, and the maternal family tree here on Geni has been well documented by many interested family members. I can trace a direct maternal line here in the USA back to 1775. The mother of the female ancestor born in the USA in 1775 is currently unknown.

Despite my maternal line having been here in the USA for 250+ years, I still have plenty of autosomal 4th cousins in several areas of Ireland, and west Yorkshire of England

I believe my maternal line would be considered "Black Irish", possibly indigenous, due to the dark swarthy skin and dark hair common in my maternal line. My maternal line was in Britain/Ireland long before the red-haired, light--skinned Celts showed up, possibly Beaker or older. This maternal line was highly successful at producing female heirs.


Because of the above information I assume the Polish and British autosomal portions of my DNA are distinct and separate, ie, I picked up no British/Irish DNA from my paternal line, and I picked up no Polish DNA from my maternal line.

@ Joseph George Slater

We share the Y DNA after my brother tested for it. You are connected to Joseph George Slater is your 23rd cousin four times removed.

Adele Stukas → Zita Stukiene
your mother → Regina Siekliuckienė
her mother → Adelė Pečiūrienė
her mother → Agnieška Žilinskiene
her mother → Jan Jakub Koziełł-Poklewski h. Koziel
her father → Jan Koziełł-Poklewski h. Koziel
his father → Jozef Kalasanty Koziell-Poklewski
his father → Jan Koziell
his father → Ludwika Koziełł
his mother → Teresa Sulistrowska
her mother → Katarzyna Pac h. Gozdawa
her mother → Hieronim Dominik Pac
her father → Elizabeth Pac
his mother → css Elizabeth Hodkevich
her mother → count Yuri Hodkevich
her father → dss Bazilisa Jarosławicz
his mother → Eudokia Fiodorowna Borowska
her mother → princess Maria Korybut
her mother → Dymitr Korybut, prince of Novgorod-Seversky
her father → Uliana of Tver, queen consort of Lithuania
his mother → Anastasia, princess of Halych
her mother → King Yuri I of Galicia, King of Ruthenia, Great Prince of Kiev, Volydymyr-Volhynia, Haly
her father → Constance of Hungary
his mother → Steven V, King of Hungary and Croatia
her brother → Mary of Hungary, Queen of Naples
his daughter → Marguerite d'Anjou, comtesse d'Anjou et du Maine
her daughter → Jeanne de Valois, Countess of Hainault
her daughter → Isabelle de Hainaut
her daughter → Margaret (or Mary) Lumley (de Holland)
her daughter → Sir Ralph Lumley, 1st Baron Lumley
her son → Elizabeth Tirwhit
his daughter → Margaret Newenham
her daughter → Sir John Bernard, Kt.
her son → John Bernard, II
his son → John Bernard, III
his son → Robert Barnard
his son → Robert Barnard, Jr.
his son → Thomas Barnard, Sr.
his son → Thomas Barnard
his son → Thomas Barnard
his son → Hannah Rowell
his daughter → Susannah Ellis
her daughter → Joseph Ellis, Sr.
her son → Stephen Ellis, I
his son → George Ellis
his son → Levin C. Ellis
his son → Benjamin Ellis
his son → Adolphus D. Mangum
his son → Nancy Wilson Hill
his daughter → Mary Ann Slater
her daughter → Joseph George Slater
her son



Largest segment = 8 cM

Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 8cM (0.224 Pct)
Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 7.4

1 shared segments found for this comparison.

157759 SNPs used for this comparison.

52.96 Pct SNPs are full identical


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