Davida (Veda) Drury (Young) - Aunty Vedas Twin boys.

Started by Liesl Jane Young-Tamou on Sunday, March 1, 2020
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Does anyone know their names and if they're the children with question marks above?

Birth records for NSW post 1919 are not yet available publicly - you would need to get the birth certificates to confirm

There is possibly a mixup of people as she had children when she was 23 and also when she was 56 which would seem unlikely. Also some of her children are listed with 2 fathers.

If you look at the children of her husband Arthur Vernon Drury that she married in 1921, her twin sons names are listed.

When did she marry Private ?

Thanks Leanne. I didnt know aunt Veda was married twice and as Aunty Glennie told me one of her twin brothers was killed in WW2 i didnt know if the 2 children un named with question marks could of been one or both of the twin brothers.

I am not sure that she did marry twice.

I haven’t been able to locate a marriage Record to a John DRURY. What is the source for him?

Leanne, Idk about the marrages but I am sure that John Drury fed me milk straight from his dairy cows in the mid 1970's. I dont know about other Drury but ill look up in my Published Family Book i know it hopefully has her marriages in there this week and get back to you.
Hope yr safe during this challenging times.

Here are records I have found for Arthur DRURY

NSW Marriage Record 9347/1921 - Arthur V DRURY married Davida YOUNG - Taree

The Northern Champion - Saturday 14 May 1921 Page 3

A large article appears

Wedding Miss Veda YOUNG (only daughter of Mrs I YOUNG and the late Mr J F YOUNG) married Arthur Vernon DRURY (son of Cr C E DRURY and Mrs DRURY) last Tuesday evneing

Did she have children that are 40 years apart in age?

She has children born in 1922 and children born in 1954 with a big gap between 1923 and 1948.

Thank you Leanne. That sounds about right. I didnt meet great aunty Davida but i knew her daughter who i called aunty Glennie respectfully due to her age even though she was my second cousin. I know she married a Alwyn Machio and hed 3 boys and a daughter, one of Glennys sons Barry still lives on the Glenthorne property.
To answer yr question about Aunt Davida. I only met her daughter Glennie so idk about the time between births. I remember i kept mistakenly call8ng Aunty Glennies daughter Karen and she look shocked at me turned to her husband and said how do you know about Karen to me. To which i said idk explained i got her daughters name mixed up but never did ask for more info about this Karen. As it sounded like a sad/shocking story by aunties reaction. Maybe that was the big gap pregnancy/child you speak of Davidas. Yes i have a photo of Davida and Aurthur Drury from the late 1960's i think. I'll look the book up in an hour or two and try and find more info for you. Just got my breakfast dishes to get done & get my 15 year old reading his novel for English 🙂

I don’t this profile is their daughter - they have the wrong surname Private

I really think that 2 profiles have become confused - maybe an aunt and a niece.

Leanne, i havent heard of any other family connection having the same first name as Davida or Veda so far i havent found any in the family book that I have. Still looking though.

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