John Ford, Convict "Neptune" 1818 (1790-1860) and Jane (Cowell) Quayle - Ford [Convict "Mary" 1823] (1799-1855) have 2 children with the same name and birth date
- one who died young - Elizabeth Ford, infant
- one who married Elizabeth Jane Peate
NSW Birth Records
* NSW Birth Record 24/1832 V183224 17 - Elizabeth FORD, father John, mother Jane
NSW Death Records
* NSW Death Record 17/1833 V183317 17 - Elizabeth FORD, infant
* NSW Death Record 13842/1909 - Elizabeth PEATE, father James - Lismore
NSW Marriage Records
* NSW Marriage Record 546/1847 V1847546 32C - John PEATE married Elizabeth FORD
The Elizabeth who died as an infant is the daughter of John FORD and Jane COWELL
The Elizabeth who married John PEATE is the daughter of James FORD.